Saturday, February 24, 2007

Leaving for Paris

I've been lax in my keeping up with the blog. Was afraid this might happen so here I am. Been busy with trade-show stuff and all there is to do to get ready.
Am leaving Monday afternoon for Paris to do the Le Showroom tradefair to present my Fall 2007 Collection and the stress of getting ready is palpable. There's a lot of work that goes into producing an event where your designs are the focus and the aim is selling and making it look incredible.
Tonight I'm half way through packing, labeling pieces for the "pop-up boutique" where people can buy direct from a little shop they'll have set-up, and deciding which clothes to bring.
Only one two pairs of shoes this time-a big leap for me-boots I'll wear on the plane and a nice little pair of dove-grey suede bootie-pumps I just bought at Shoe Mania in Union Square yesterday to wear at the show.Packing list for a tradeshow:
-The Collection (about 80 pieces unless I make more between now and Monday)
-Linesheets/Pricelists/Posters for the booth (heavy stacks of papers)
-Press Release and Media Book/Notebook/Postcards (more heavy stacks of papers)
-Display blocks (the heavier my suitcase the better I always say) and display items including old coins, bullet shells, rusty nails, turquoise, and other fragile things to worry about packing
-Pins, nails/scissors/mimi-stapler/tape/paperclips/pens/calculator (in an excellent little plastic carrying case)
-International Adapter (for blackberry and computer)
-Powerbook and charger (for keeping up with orders and work at home and watching movies and blogging when the show gets quiet)
-Keys and door code for friend's flat
-Clothes (two pairs of jeans, a dress, a skirt and enough shirts etc. to make it work)
-Shoes (the pair mentioned above)
-Toiletries-small samples are just fine with me. Why would you carry giant bottles when samples pack so small, especially with big chunks of wood in your suitcase)
-an umbrella, because it will do nothing but rain the entire time according to Weather Underground
-One hundred little ballerinas (I wish)So that's it really. I'm almost ready but I'm sure I'll find things to do between today and Monday. I wish I was a hundred ballerinas.
See you from Paris-am psyched to EAT!
P.S. This site, Inspire Co. , is really cute and pretty! I like her blog a lot as well and some great stumbling through her favorite blogs-Found it while I was writing this and looking for pictures of suitcases to show I'm about to travel somewhere-didn't use it but...I love this extremely comforting picture of the ballerinas (cake toppers are some of my favorite things it turns out). I think her philosophy on gift-giving is right-on!

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