Sunday, April 1, 2007

Spring for the Springers or National Poetry Month!

Poem about Poetry by Jennifer L. Knox:


don't matter what
or how much you
write, how much
you feel it: the world
will hide its warm
glad knowing name
from you behind
its back, under its
bald shivering wing:
pick a hand, no
the other hand

From April 2006 National Poetry Month Poem-a-Day.
See it all go down in her first book A Gringo Like Me
published by Softskull Press.

Today is April 1st! I woke up and looked at my cell phone and it said 9:00. But when I came out into the kitchen, the clock said 8:00! I looked at Jim's cell as well and it also said 9. Is this some kind of April Fools joke because it's pretty good?! I guess the mobile companies are having their own daylight savings/Y2K dilemma.

Today is also the first day of National Poetry Month. I have a lot of friends who are poets--really great poets so...happy poetry month.
Be sure to check out Ada Limón's blog this month where she and Jennifer Knox other poets will be writing a poem a day.

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