Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sugar Holler

Now that I'm back on the patio garden, I'm looking at gardening blogs. Just found this wonderful blog, Life in Sugar Hollow.
The writer is an actual certified horticulturist and her garden tips and musings are great. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Sugar Hollow with a beautiful river running through her land, which gets me dreaming a little.
She has a link to a quiz called "What Kind of Flower are You" so I took it and found
a. I am a Canna--I'm not sure what that is but it looks kind of boring. It kind of makes me want to take it again and give different answers---the joy of quiz taking can include retaking the quiz and filling it with lies.
b. The very funny This Garden Is Illegal, whose writer is also creator of the "What Kind Of Flower are You" quiz (look over there in the sidebar--I added it too). This is a great garden blog, I especially love the entry, "Satanic Garnishes That Look Like Genitalia: Parsley".


  1. I am a snapdragon!
    "Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."

    I used my usual policy of giving only boring answers, so I don't know why I am the snapdragon. At least it's interesting!

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely post! It is fun to see what you are growing and creating up in Brooklyn - June has me pining for spring in Manhattan . . . who knew?

    Life in Sugar Hollow
