Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Little House

Looking through Design Sponge and the inspiring pics from the National Stationary Show which took place here in NY last week, I noticed the name of an old acquaintance who moved away a few years ago, Molly Meng. She's been working as an artist and also designing beautiful note cards for her company 8mmideas, hence the Stationary Show.

I've been happily reading about what she's up to and thinking all night via her wonderful new blog, A Little house in the clouds.
We met more than 8 years ago and she was one of the first people to give Bonbon Oiseau hair ornaments a go in her NY shop, French General. This was back when I really had no idea about what I was doing. It was always such a wonderful day though after visiting her at her magical little shop on Crosby Street, where I'd pick up little antique baubles for my upcoming nuptials and make stuff out of it. (Her sister Kaari still continues on in LA now and just wrote this great book).
I'm so happy to have caught up with Molly because from what I remember:
a. She was a really lifey person--one of the lifiest. A real life liver I might add and a person with that kind of great energy only comes along once in a great while.
b. She was a truly talented person. Just look at what she's doing now.
c. She was a very nice person and generous of spirit. And
d. she was one of the first people who I believed, believed in me, even though none of my pieces sold, she suggested I keep on trying.
e. She's really funny. I saw her perform in a little theater once.

Her blog is lovely and personal and carries us readers through her process, musings and happenings.

(What other great stuff I found via Molly's blog:

Everyone Forever, an unixplicably great site. from Everyone Forever

Your Daily Awesome. (This photo below, of a Patrick Blanc Vertical Garden, via Ping Mag)From Your Daily Awesome

The Wish Jar. Wow.From the May 1st entry, the Wish Jar

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