Saturday, September 15, 2007

Garden Saga

The evolution of the garden from Spring to Fall is infinitely satisfying to me. My patio is small with window boxes and pots so I have to make sure I understand what could happen by midsummer and not overdo it. There's also a tiny little 3 ft. x 3 ft plot that my landlord allotted to me in her big beautiful English style garden, in which I only planted some "fuzzy peach" heirloom tomatoes, a few pepper plants (which I moved in early July) and pink and peach zinnias. It was supposed to really work together in terms of color but they all just fight to find some sun so it's mostly masses of green with tiny spurts of color. There are also a few marigolds, which I love because they remind me of India, to keep pests away.

These were taken in early August, when the garden was at it's best. I realized this summer that I'm more of an amateur farmer than a gardener, since I'm pretty focused on eating the garden. But then I also realized that I'm not much of a farmer because I never ordered the fertilizer that I wanted and thus only got a small yield of tomatoes and nasturtium.

I'll take some comparative pictures now, in September.


  1. you did good! i've been struggling with my mint plant all summer.

  2. I'm so going to come over for dinner!

  3. You should see it now--all sad and yellowing....
