Thursday, March 27, 2008

march goes out like an appendix

Or should that be, "My appendix went out like a lion"?

I 've missed a lion's share of blog entries in March because as soon as we came back from the Show on March 10th, I was only home a few days, excited to settle into working again when my appendix decided it was time to come out. This, a week before I was scheduled for another, supposedly simple, pelvic surgery so now we had complications: I was in surgery for 4 hours in the hospital almost a week on either side of that surgery, and my recovery has been going kind of slow.
I've either been in too much pain to try to sit up to type or too loaded on painkillers to write.I'm rounding a corner for sure but the healing process is going a bit slower than I'd like which is pretty frustrating to be honest and causing me to feel really sorry for myself. I know, I know, I'm taking it slow but Bonbon is on fire and who has time for their body to start throwing curve balls?
I and March will really try to go out like a lamb the next few days.


  1. glad to see you back, even if it's only virtually. and you're allowed to feel sorry for yourself. you had SURGERY. everyone should be waiting on you hand and foot!


  2. Poor bubbe! love joie

  3. Hope your recovery is going well! Did they let you keep your appendix? My friend had his taken out and he asked if he could have it, and his doctors told him that if he wanted it he had to get a lawyer to do some legal work before he could have his own internal organ. Sucks!

  4. Oh sweetie, I had no idea! So sorry and hope the recovery wasn't too slow and that you're all better now... Lots of love,
