Monday, April 7, 2008

Las Pets of Spain

"Boss", the owner's new puppy at the Hotel Llevant. Off-Season has it's privileges.
We were one of two couples staying here and had "Boss" all to ourselves.

Some fella guarding Dali's House at Porte de Creus.

Pretty birds at the bird market on La Rambla, Barcelona

Awwww. Bunnies also for sale along La Rambla

Geese in the courtyard at the Old Cathedral in Barcelona

We are hard pressed to go on a trip that we don't find animals or animals don't find us (see beach cat below). I'm organizing my photos from my trip today according to categories.

Baby ducks at the market along La Rambla, Barcelona. Before Easter.

Beach cat in the Costa Brava town of Llafranc. This cat got a lot of pets from us.

Beagle in a window, Town where we stopped for lunch, I Forgot Where, Spain