Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ramps, Peashoots & Spring

Nice Green Market booty this Springy week, and I came home with some serious ramps and peashoots last night.
Tonight's dinner needed only those and few more ingredients:

Ramps, Peashoots & Tofu (or Potatoes or Lamb)
Ramps, a bunch washed, cut in half and ends snipped

Peashoots, a nice handful
Firm tofu, cut in 1/2 " pices or small hunks (aka chunks) of pre-boiled fingerling potatoes or some kind of meat--I bet lamb would be perfect, cut in small strips
olive oil
splash tamari or soy sauce
salt & black pepper

Heat oil 'til sizzling and toss in tofu (or potatoes or lamb). Brown on all sides and sprinkle with a little salt. Add ramps and sauté until tender. Add a splash of tamari and toss in the peashoots. Sauté about 30 seconds more and it's done.

Serve with some kind of delicious hot sauce or better yet, some black bean paste on some good rice.

1 comment:

  1. i will never, ever turn down another dinner invitation. i am filled with remorse after seeing these photos
