Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Terrarium Story

There's a lot of moss growing around my parent's house

And little plant-lings

The Process: Rocks, Dirt, Moss, Plantlings, Water


I've always loved terrariums -quiet little peaceful places where you can imagine yourself real tiny laying in a perfect tiny mossy forest. I've been wanting to make one for a long while.

The backstory as I remember it: In the 70's, my dad started to subscribe to this series of groovy D.I.Y./How-To books called Family Creative Workshop - he just got the first three volumes, don't know why he stopped getting them but I was in love with those books. I made anything I could from those awesomely hippy-dippy crafty pages: beanbags, beach glass mobiles, bonsais, birdhouses. I decorated birthday cakes, fixed the derailleurs on my bike, poured liquid acrylic into a rubber glove to make a ring stand (that one didn't work out too well) and really wanted to brew my own root beer but I needed too much adult supervision and my own garage so I scrapped that one too.

The chapter I loved the most was the one on Bottle Gardens. It had pictures so enticing, I just wanted to make terrariums all the time.

So last week, when I was out at with my dad, I picked up some glass containers and some river stones and came back to his house, laid out my stuff, went searching for moss and some tiny saplings and plantlings and this is what I came up with. Finally.

(They don't look like these but hey, I fulfilled my own wish. Also, check out my blogger pal over in Sugar Hollow. Her terrariums are lovely and she has some good links!).


  1. what great springtime gifts! best wishes to your mom, hope she's feeling better.

  2. can i have one? i always wanted to shrink myself and live in a tiny, mossy forest.

  3. OMG! live this!
    we should have a terranium making party! miss you!!

  4. I think I may sell some at the next Brooklyn Flea on June 8th. Good for Father's Day no?

  5. You might be interested in joining the New York Terrarium Society. I think they'd be interested in having you as a member!

  6. NYTS:
