Thursday, June 26, 2008

Last Night in Union Square and a Pretty Good Batch of Pesto

I actually just wanted to go the market, buy some spelt bread and take some pictures since the colors are so incredible right now (and I am supposedly in "design incubation mode".) I ran into some nice company for a spell and we clicked away and talked about all of our favorite stuff at the market.The orange roses and soft-pink stock
were the prettiest thing, especially after making color boards all day yesterday.
And they smelled nearly Shakespearian.

The "Local Honey" Bee guy was pretty funny. Watching all the lady bees at work was really cool but made me feel...uh..kind of lazy.
He had marked the queen, he said, with a blue dot but we couldn't find her.
We did however, see a baby bee being born (how's that for alliteration).
He's looking for people to raise bees in NYC and has an organization called
Bees Without Borders that I'd like to look into a little further.

Rue, said to ward off evil spirits, from my favorite vendor Trina from Silver Heights Farm.
I love the kooky little mitten-shaped leaves. (Aww man...I should have said "Rue" for my entry in Calico Daisy's contest! Oh well...)
I bought some epazote plantlings yesterday from her, which my friend Craig was talking about on Sunday.
We have so many chilies about to pop, we're going to have make a mexican midsummer feast (please cook it Craig).

And then dinner, not necessarily in that order

I planted a lot of Basil in my pots so I could make pesto and pistou all summer but it's in the markets as well.

This is my first harvest pesto:
A big bunch of any kind of Basil leaves
a big handful of pine nuts (just about 1/2 c or more if you like)
3 cloves of garlic
a little sea salt
1/4-1/2 cup good extra virgin olive oil
a hunk of parmegiano-
reggiano cheese to grate in afterwards

Crush the first three ingredients in a food processor or if you're really cool use a mortar and pestle. Pour in the olive oil slowly while you mix until you have a nice loose paste or the consistency you like. I don't like to add cheese to the mix, but I did grate it on after. We also ate it with some great goat cheese from Consider Bardwell Farms, my new crush, and all was well with the world.

I served it on boiled new potatoes and green beans --the Genoese way minus the pasta but by all means and of course, throw in some thick spaghetti and Bob's your uncle!


  1. Beautiful photos! I'd love to go to the flower market in NY. Sounds like a good pesto. We have wheat-free people in my house, too, and use Quinoa corn pasta, which is a little nutty in flavor but works pretty well for all recipes. -- Michele

  2. That sounds pretty good--I'll give it a try. a lot of the pastas turn to mush so I just kind of gave up for now.

    did you see your little mention under the picture of rue? what a nice thing to have a giveaway! I should do that!

  3. just makes me wanna move back even MORE. i miss that market. sure, we have a farmers mkt in SF, but it seems so far away from us and it's just not the same...ah, new york, we shall return to you!

  4. the only border i want with bees is them not on or near my bare skin.

  5. i heard to alleviate allergies, eat honey made by local bees. since they are most likely to flit from local flower to other local flower, thereby raising your immunity to their pollen. nature's vaccine!

    i love the greenmarket.

  6. This is so my type of market! the flowers are stunning! Oh and "Bees Without Borders"...I like that.

  7. Mmm, love home made pesto. Have you ever tried it on cold brown rice? yummy.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is going to be dangerous for me; I've already clicked all over your blog roll. I foresee a lot of additional reading in my future!

  8. PS, I forgot to add I love the name of your shop. If you're going to be a good bird, you might as well be a good, good bird ;-)

  9. Those flowers are absolutely gorgeous...I'd be crushing too!!
    Our basil has been so nice to us that I have made pesto almost every other day and frozen it in ice cube trays for future use. I'd take potato over psta any day :)
