Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Bastille Day, a Mid-Summer's Night Special and a Giveaway

Storming back to work today my lovelies but I feel light today. Joyeux Quatorze Juillet and a sweet summer for all! I thought I'd run a little mid-summer's night Bonbon Oiseau special:
How about 25% off any of our Bonbons which relate to the sea: anything with the color blue or turquoise or sea green or maybe a piece with one of our salty-dog charms: sand-dollars, an anchor, a seahorse, a crab or a whale and there's a few more--you just have to look!
We'll run the sale from today right up until I leave for my Pacific NW adventure on July 25th so what will you pick?
(Please write "Bonbon Blog Special" in your subject line!)

And since I'm feeling so Summery and to celebrate all of the amazing people out there who have been so supportive of my work and my blog, if you leave a comment on this post by midnight, Friday, July 19th, I'll pick one lovely person to win this: the lure necklace: a beautiful piece of antique reverse-painted glass circa 1930-something with a little painting of a fishing lure set in an apple green enameled setting circa 1940-something on a hand-wrought silver chain, handmade by yours truly and our awesome little bonbon staff.
The drawing will be random and the winner will be announced Saturday morning!
psst..pass it on...

oh and...the Fall Collection goes up Friday.


  1. oh so pretty. pick me! pick me!

  2. how lovely, happy bastille day to you...

  3. I'll take a necklace by that name any day, whatever definition may have been intended.
    lure - 1: an object usually of leather or feathers attached to a long cord and used by a falconer to recall a hawk
    2 a: an inducement to pleasure or gain : enticement b: appeal, attraction
    3: a decoy for attracting animals to capture

  4. Ohh, lovely. In particular really like the sand dollar necklace. I love the circles on the chain of "the lure".

  5. Happy Bastille Day to you and thank you for wishing me a good one! I love your jewelry..if I could I buy one piece for everyday of the week, so I'll just have to close my eyes and wish real hard :)

  6. ha tartelette, you are so sweet! I changed the title for you--i learn a lot from your blog!

  7. gorgeous work! i found you through
    Bliss...what a treat!

  8. It is just killing me, waiting for Friday, that necklace with the Pheasant on it will go perfectly with a vintage skirt I have, I want it, I want it, I want it---

    At my work, we've been designing necklaces using antique Navajo buttons as dangling pendants, 5 per necklace. There is a lovely one like a sand dollar, I could try to rustle up a photo if you'd like.

    Your blog and website are delightful. Thanks!

  9. Your jewelry is lovely, very elegant and tasteful. You are very talented, may I say.

  10. of all the seasons fall is my favorite--for food, fashion, weather, i am looking forward to this new collection!

    and i envy your pacific northwest vacation...enjoy!

  11. Hi!Thanks for visiting me! Lovely pics you too!Joyeux 14 juillet! I'm goin to take a tour to ypur blog, I feel I'll enjoy and return.;)

  12. sorry fo the mistakes, I have my little one in my arms...

  13. 7/14 is my mother's bday! it's such a shame she does not like jewelry - where did i come from?!

    happy midsummer. i can't believe it's almost over :(

  14. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today. I love what I've seen of yours.

    And you're coming to the Pacific NW! Yay! Lake Quinalt...the whole area up there actually, is breathtakingly lovely. We stayed at Graves Creek Campground (close to the lodge) a few years ago. One of the most beautiful spots I've ever seen.

    Give me a shout if you want any specifics...I'll be glad to pass on what I know.


  15. Oh what lovely jewelry you make, so glad to have found your blog. Would love to see your Rama and Brahma figurines you mentioned on my blog.

  16. Gorgeous!! I'm so glad you left me a comment today because I could not find my way back to you :-) !! I did something to my link list, and somehow lots of links disappared ...but now you're back :-) Thank you .-)

  17. I'd be so honored...

    Beautiful work!

    alivetopaint at

  18. Well, you've left me no choice! I have to leave a comment because your work is stunning, this necklace is my favorite color, I'm a hopeless romantic, and my birthday is July 19th:)

  19. deb, love your work!

  20. Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me PLEEEEEEEEAAASE! I don't think you understand how much I want generous you are!

  21. I'l give it a try, even if I live very far :) Have a nice day! Nicoletta

  22. The secadas just started chirping for the first time this summer... they are saying..."pick heidi, pick heidi!!"

  23. I want to win! The necklace is beautiful! I am so happy you let me know you were having this giveaway. Where will you be visiting in the Pacific NW?

  24. i want this necklace as much as a fish does not want a hook jammed through its cheek.

    did i win?

  25. if there was a contest for creativity on how much someone wanted something Dane, you might just win. but it's a random drawing OK!?

  26. I think I am the first man to enter this giveaway and I am feeling lucky.

  27. OOOOOO!
    You have completely and totally lured me in!!! I am awash on a sea of chance and hope!

  28. I'm in! My birthday is 08.08.08 and I want that necklace. Thanks bonbon, you're nice.

  29. What a beautiful necklace!

  30. I bought a close friend the amazingly beautiful lock anchor necklace. You guys keep getting better and better!

  31. I heart your work -- this item is especially lovely. It looks like the necklace incarnation of a balmy tropical vacation with a bit of deep sea fishing trip. If I stare at it long enough, maybe I'll transport myself away from this cubicle.

  32. I grew up with the last name "herring" so my sister, mom and I always have these fish stories....We've had a retail store, robin's egg blue, for 23 years and the 18th is out very last day...It's bittersweet. While I am excited about the future, new projects, and making some dreams a reality..We are also mourning the loss of what we've known for so long. Not many people have the opportunity to work with family and while I treasure our time together, I couldn't think of a better gift to commemorate our journey as Herring girls living our dream.

  33. Your blogs are fantastic! I was randomly looking through the photographs on Your Destinity is Stone Golden and ended up looking at your jewelery...and I was an instant fan! I am saving up for anything and everything that you've posted!

  34. I always seem to comment on your food-related posts, but this seems like a good place to tell you that I think your jewelry is fabulous. :-)

  35. My friend shared with me the link to your blog and now I'm hooked! Your jewelry is exquisite!

  36. I LOVE your jewelry. I purchased a bracelet for my sister that she wears everyday. Everything is so unique and meticulously crafted. This necklace is fabulous - would be so great to win it!!!

  37. Sure JVB! Would love to see that example!

    Thanks everyone for your nice comments!

  38. I love the jewelery that you make. Found your blog today and am so happy to see all the little creations that I have been longing for. Simple and delicate and beautiful. Thank you!
