Wednesday, July 23, 2008

salads like a watercolor

I am too easily seduced. Every night I look over all that produce in my fridge and I wonder how I let all those vegetables and fruits in. Like Michael Pollen might agree, I was conned by their beautiful colors and intriguing shapes, their earthy and sweet smells enticing me, whispering, "take me won't regret it... ". These fresh little buggers know what their doing.

So I make a lot of salads. I made two this week, both with goat cheese because the goat cheese from the market is just so good and perfect with these cool fruits and sly vegetables on a hot summer day. Making salads in the summer is like making a watercolor.

Two Salads, both with Goat Cheese
Top: roasted golden beets and the first tomatoes just coming out with fresh chives
and pineapple mint with goat cheese and drizzled with walnut oil

Bottom: Watermelon, spearmint and peppermint
and Thai basil with goat cheese
with a dressing made from mirin, light agave nectar and a little olive oil


  1. The salads look so refreshing, especially the watermelon. And, I love the colors. I could just sit in the produce section or market and marvel at all the colors.

  2. I love that tiny bottle for the dressing!

  3. Trust me, as the official salad tester, the watermelon salad was even better than the pictures and text let on... Although I am not sure those two words should go together...

  4. mmmm yumm! try it with feta cheese as well....watermelon and feta salad is the best.

  5. Not only is your photography beautiful, but these salads look straight out of a cooking magazine. Yum!

  6. ooohhh - these looks delicious...and make me feel so guilty! I have been a bad girl and haven't been eating my vegetables. Perhaps I shall start with this recipe - yum!

  7. This is one of my favorite flavor combinations. I love it.

  8. Yes to feta cheese Vana! I will I's just that this goat cheese we've been getting at the farmer's market is..well..the best goat cheese I have ever had (don't tell France I said that).

  9. I love goat cheese - it is so good. Thanks for your great comment on the sugar art - you really said it perfectly.

  10. Hi and thank you for stopping by my blog! i love the colors of these salads, so happy and fresh! i'll be back, glad to have found you!

  11. is this the consider bardwell farms crack?

    you've turned me into an addict of that goat cheese, i'm proud to admit.

  12. Salad makes a perfect summer meal. And yours are just wonderful! Good quality goat cheese can further improve any salad.

  13. Who could blame you for being seduced by the colorful produce? I loaded way more than I could eat into the shopping cart everytime I shop. Your salad looks delicious.

  14. These look so simple and yet delicious! Beautiful photos. Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments!

  15. Very nice! I paint and this makes me want to take out my watercolors. Lovely photos.

  16. Love the combination of flacors and texture. Positively the most refreshing salad I have seen in a while. Ok,now I am hungry...again...!

  17. almost too pretty to eat...almost! I love summer salads! Especially ones with lots of tomatoes and luscious cheese!
    pssst...guess what I am wearing? My bonbon! photos to come deary!

  18. also a similar color theme to your own summer (jewelry) collection

  19. My god, that looks fabulous!
