Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a little break and a good egg

When your hand hurts from editing and you need some dinner in a hurry so you can get back to work and you suddenly have more tomatoes than you can humanly eat alone and little else in the pantry here is what I suggest:

Cut up some excellent tomatoes and some red onion--better yet, sauté the two until they are soft and sweet...add a little basil or thyme, maybe tear a little smoky ham, prosciutto or even black forest. Poach some excellent eggs and serve on top with a crack of pepper and a little sea salt.
Peek into the yolk and dip your spoon in or mop with some good crusty bread. My new thing is that I want poached eggs on top of everything: sauteed spinach, mushrooms, boiled new potatoes, what else?

(hey, who needs some tomatoes?)


  1. I am really into these poach pods I got at the food-coop, not only do they poach a mean egg, they double as a teething toy for my Eden.
    And I need tomatoes! why, do you have some spare?

  2. well... if you just happen to be driving out this way... i mean, it's not like I would EVER say NO to a tomato, AND if you happen to need some fresh garden jalapenos in return...

  3. those tomatoes look delish! and i love eggs, i thin i'm going to start putting poached eggs on everything, now too... great idea!!

  4. That sounds so simple and yet so delicious... I love poached eggs on top of veggies.

  5. yum tomatoes! have you tried making tomato water? that is my next project.

  6. Yummm...I would love some tomatoes!

  7. Love everything about your site!!! YOU ROCK!!!
    Gonna send you a recipe I love called The Mothership Tomato Salad by Jamie Oliver...I think you will love it and get to use all your tomatoes
