Wednesday, August 13, 2008


We played hooky from work yesterday afternoon. It's the last time this summer I can do it--nose to the grindstone and all that but it was a wonderful way to spend our anniversary day. We rented a car and drove to the tip of Fire Island.

The rest of the afternoon we lazed around on the beach and then took the trail behind the dunes out to the old lighthouse. We saw little deer and climbed to the top of the lighthouse (and got a certificate from the lighthouse ranger to prove it.) Then we drove home in the early evening and it must have rained in the city because we saw that rainbow from the car. Later Jim surprised me and we went to Blue Hill for a late dinner where we drank champagne and ate very well.

We both admitted we don't want our holiday to be over. Is an extended holiday like an extended youth?


  1. What a great place for a get away! Great shots...they make me want to take a break too!

  2. I will be at the ocean in ten days... your photos will help me make it till that time...

    Nice way to spend your anniversary day!

  3. sounds good to me! your photos are great, looks like a lovely day.

  4. Oh, lucky you!!! F.I. is one of my most favorite places on earth! There was no rain in the city... that rainbow was just the universe saying Happy Anniversary.

  5. oh, that looks like such a beautiful day! i'm jealous :) gorgeous photos.

  6. Good for you for playing hooky! I want to now. This is such a pretty place.

  7. Looking at your photos make me miss Sandy Hook (NJ state park.

    I went to the Blue Hill link. I love that the chef's focus is locally grown. The menu was fantastic.

  8. so lovely...looks a lot like Oregon....I need to tell you that the only necklace I have been wearing as of late is my new bonbon. I will be posting about it soon!

  9. i've been itching to go to fire island...! maybe i can squeeze it in before summer is over...

  10. i want to play hookey too... gorgeous shots!

  11. it looks like you didn't even need to go on vacation, with all this beauty just a short drive away.

    i'm hiding in the trunk next time. i love lighthouses.

  12. What a lovely day you've had in a very nice place too. I just adore the lighthouse photo. There's just something in me that loves looking at lighthouses.

  13. What a great day! I love the lighthouse shot!

  14. great photos and lovely escape!!
