Sunday, September 14, 2008


all photos from Banksy's website. click to see them large!

I was looking for I-can't-remember-what about London or England this morning on the interwebs and came across the site of U.K. grafitti artist Banksy. His is a pretty spectacular style I think , some of the best street art I've seen. The imagery is perfectly cutting, especially in this New Orleans series. I also admire the larger statement, probably the work that best describes his whole thing, I'd say, exposing the elephant in the room.


  1. The elephant is SO FABOO!!!!!! Lovin' it!
    (t-minus 2 days til sri!)

  2. wonderful! i love that elephant one! thank you sooo much for exposing me to this!

  3. I luv 'navigating the sweet stuff'...says it all, right...and the elephant...we all gottum'.

    Your blog is a delight, found you on High Desert Diva.


  4. I've seen Bansky's work before...fascinating, isn't it?

    Love the elephant!

  5. Very cool, I love street art. In Alberta here we have a lot of little abandoned towns from when they closed the railroads. A lot of graffiti artists make little secret visits and do some fabulous, covert work. In Calgary here, some forward-thinking building owners have had some beautiful street art put on their buildings as a commission. What a great concept.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your's is wonderful too. Can't wait to catch up on past posts. Lovely day to you!! {I'll definitely be back.}

  7. Quite a talented artist~ If only all graffiti was this good! Thanks for link to his site.
    and nice blog :)

  8. I was just talking about Banksy the other day, trying to describe him and his special brand of irony, to my dh...he had never heard of him before!

    Such cool images.

  9. Banksy is cool, how much value has he just added to those houses i wonder......?

  10. I really like Banksy - he makes people talk, and he makes them think.

    I think the New Orleans stuff was some of his strongest work.

    (Another artist who did a cool project in NO is Paul Chan - you might like his stuff, too -

  11. His style is great - really wonderful pictures. Thanks for the intro.

  12. These are wonderful. I must paint silhouettes on my house and barn. So striking.

  13. i adore banksy...really witty stuff! there was this wierd scare a few months ago where other street artists were trying to reveal his identity claiming they knew him (probably out of jealousy). it seems he got away unscathed!

  14. yeah, banksy's a good one. and an interesting bird, too!
