Friday, September 19, 2008

I just took a break

and when I went outside there was a chill in the air and realized Summer is really ending. So I went back and remembered all the green mossy things we saw on our hikes this summer and the funny little flowers and dew drops on everything,

the pretty things on the side of the road

and the little swallow nest on our porch in Kaloloch.

and this tiptoeing tree at Rialto beach

and this little kid
and the sea stacks

and finding the amazing tide pools with all the little sea creatures clinging to the sides.

I looked back at my summer trip and saw how much it inspired the new collection:

model shots by my wonderfully talented husband, still shots by the wonderfully talented Amy Sahba...


  1. Pictures from my backyard... well not literally but close enough to drive to. Isn't it the most amazing place, so full of beauty and inspiration?
    Your jewelry is fantastic. I always enjoy seeing it displayed on your blog.

  2. what a lovely homage to summer! The starfish are gorgeous!

  3. it's so nice to see the inspiration behind your beautiful jewelry. the starfish pics are wonderful. we never see them in this area anymore and i'm sorry for those that i took home from the beach as a child. enjoy your weekend.

  4. Wow - I see the correlation. Great to see the inspiration - those sealife pictures are amazing.

  5. absolutely amazing!

    wonderful images,
    wonderful jewelry.

    may i please blog about your work and tell all my readers?

  6. These images are gorgeous! I love that little swallows nest...adorable!

  7. Love that shot of the charm bracelet wrapped around the driftwood! (And that rustic phone booth.)

  8. oh my - I do see the inspiration!!!
    hope you're holding up ok and excited about your trip!

  9. i love to see where your inspiration comes from. that is always intriguing to me, how creative processes start. thank you for sharing!

  10. those are amy's shots? i was just about to tell you how beautiful those were! (i think you take great photos, too, deb!) and can totally see the inspiration. i was just thinking how those little sea creatures look like jewelry. beautiful post.

  11. oh wait. those ARE your photos above. jewelry shots by amy. okay. got it. as i said, you take beautiful photos, deb!

  12. What a wonderful walk I took thanks to your pictures!! I love, love, love that last necklace!

  13. I love that you are inspired by nature and it shows in your gorgeous work. I enjoyed the "tour" through summer. The cute. I also like the color of that blue-green thing next to the starfish.

  14. I looked at the first few photos and thought, wow! that looks just like the Pacific NW. Then, I scrolled down and read more. wonder I thought it looked familiar!

    Nice to see the inspiration for your jewelry. Great post!

  15. Oh My! I am in love with everything ... the images, those amazing star fish, the birdies in the nest and that amazing jewelery. You are an incredibly talented woman. p.s. I am off to New York in a week...I am so excited i can't wait.

  16. What gorgeous things you saw this summer! It is no wonder they isnpired you to create equally beautiful things!

  17. what a beautiful trip you had...and a gorgeous collection!

  18. i adore seeing what inspired your work...the pieces are soo delicate & beautiful! just like the inspiration...

  19. Such lovely, lovely images of your work! I must have a piece!
