Saturday, September 6, 2008

a saturday fortune

At the market

And home again.

This morning before the rains began, the farmers market was abundant with's the time of year when the market swells with the last peaches and plums mingling with the first apples and pears and all the vine fruits and vegetables are out and about. How could we resist this tiny orange-pink watermelon, the freshest eggs and cheese, these jewel-toned vegetables, these bright flowers designed to keep us happy all week?

I want to make Soupe au Pistou tomorrow night, a dish I love to make when the first beautiful beans come out at the market, the vegetables are petite and lovely and my basil is abundant, to say the least.
(I'll post my recipe for it after I do!~)


  1. oooo la la! what a feast for the eyes! makes me neeeeed to go to a farmer's market!!

  2. What an abundance of wonderful stuff!

  3. I so am enjoying these pictures...the one with the sunflowers in the beautiful and cheerful. All this bounty just really brings home the fact that autumn is here. I am still on Vancouver Island and I can see autumn in the mist of the ocean, and the change in color of the trees and in some cases the last bloom of some flowers. But even here, the farmer's markets are brimming with sumptuous gifts.

  4. What a bounty! The sunflowers are gorgeous!! Soupe au pistou was one of my grandmother's specialties! Miss it :)

  5. so much abundance. which market do you go to - williamsburg?

  6. Soups au Pistou c'est magnifique! Specialy great with those gorgeous cranberry beans- perhaps i should make some too!

    oh what bountiful gathering of delicious fruits and vegeatbles- i should market with you i could lean a few things!

  7. wow! oodles of flavor and color.
    i'm looking forward to your recipe!

  8. bountiful! The soup sounds divine.

  9. delicious goodness! soup au pistou is amazing. want some now.

  10. Okay, that's it -- am coming over for dinner :)

  11. I never, ever tire of your produce (and flower) shots! :)

  12. Oh I would love to take a huge bite out of that watermelon!! It looks soo refreshing! :)

  13. Sigh. If only I had such a diverse and colorful market here. I can't wait for the post for Soupe au Pistou!

  14. wow... that's a treasure... i love pistou soup too!

  15. So many delicious fruits and veggies :) I would love to see how the Soupe comes out, I'm sure it'll be divine!

  16. Looking forward to hearing more about Soupe au Pistou!

  17. beautiful! those colors are awesome- i can't wait for the recipe!
