Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last Tango

On my last day in Paris, after a week of being inside and working for 10 hours a day, I had one day free. I walked to one of my favorite places to dig around for some antique beads, across the islands (above) and up the busy loud Boulevard Sebastapol. After, I dropped into the metro and went up to Montmartre (below) to visit one of my shops. I hadn't been for too long and took the afternoon to walk around, a luxury, drank a cup of chocolat and watched the world go by for a few last hours.


  1. *Sigh*

    Good thing I'm planning a virtual trip to Paris. I really need to go!

  2. thanks for sharing these beautiful photos deb. i particularly like the grey tones in the first set of photos of the paris streets. lovely.

  3. i could go for a cup of chocolat chaud right about now.

  4. i feel light as a feather looking at these. so charming, so pretty.

  5. i so wish i could have been there with you, walking around, photographing, sipping coffee...

  6. are you going next year? Can i come with? No really???I am very serious...
    BTW...I am working on a little souvenir type of thing for you...I need your address once again:)

  7. FABULOUS photos! Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Paris!

  8. I was going to wirte exactly the same that Fifi!!!
    Ahhhh Paris!

  9. i just love what you see and choose to shoot. very interesting—especially pic no. 10! not sure what it is, but the composition is really cool!
