Friday, October 24, 2008

one of those weeks

outside and


Some weeks pump with intensity from the start, when everything that is fit tightly into a list begins to work its way tightly into a schedule of one task after the next intermingling with unknown variables and curve balls barely caught, running around in circles until it suddenly winds down, unraveling with a deep breath and a little sigh of "we did it" or "we tried to do it".

It always seems that the life of Bonbon Oiseau is in a state of constant flux , in an excited/stressed state of hope that what we are doing will fall into place finally, someday, over and over again and again.

This morning I woke up a little burnt out but took a break and looked around at some quiet moments at home, just to keep track, in the very quiet light of an autumn morning in Brooklyn.


  1. It sounds busy, but exciting-good busy.

    Love those shots of your kitten in a basket - so sweet!

  2. I think it's so fabulous that you're doing what you love for a living. Push through the hard times -- the outcome will be worth it. I envy you! :)

    P.S. I have a black kitty with yellow eyes, too!

  3. Of course it will fall into place. Look at the amazing talent you have. The rest is just hard work, and you seem to do that too.

  4. the ebb and flow of your life sounds pretty good.

  5. I love it when you talk about the "brooklyn light." I know exactly what you see... it's like a love song for brooklyn :-)

  6. you really churn out some great photography!
    i'm glad you find solace in it. you are very gifted.

  7. It's good to catch your breath sometimes, isn't it? I really adore those cat photos...looks heavenly sleeping in that basket in the light.

  8. It looks like you need a relaxing weekend in the garden according to these photos!
    ENJOY your weekend!

  9. Nothing like stepping back a bit for perspective.

    Love the colors in the first flower shot...and who wouldn't love looking at a cat in a basket?

  10. The green tomatoes and the cat made this a charming post.
    Yes, we need to reflect on the delights of the season.

  11. oh that morning autumn light...I can see it as you speak:)

  12. The cats are adorable!
    Looks like my comment yesterday never made it: I gave your card to one of my clients after she saw the earrings you sent me (her name is Sherry).
    Hope you get to rest this weekend!

  13. You captured some really wonderful peaceful weekend moments. It is hard to slow down when you have so much to do, isn't it? I have a hard time myself. I love the soft morning sunlight.

  14. Thank you for commenting on my blog the other day! I always appreciate hearing from people.:) So many of your photos remind me of my childhood growing up on a farm. Now that we're living in an apartment, I miss things like jumping in piles of leaves and taking the last of the produce from the garden. Hope to "see" you around!

  15. LOVE that first photo. Hope your weekend is slow and lazy!!

  16. Such great photos, great kitties, great time I go to New York I am going to go to Brooklyn and check it out. Hope you have a wonderful week next week...hope you had a relaxing weekend.

  17. things do fall into place, one way or another deb. the beauty is that you enjoy what you do and how many people can say that about themselves? and look at your surroundings... beautiful!

  18. These are beautiful images....inside and out(those dear little kitties basking in the warm sun....) And, as always...that necklace is absolutely stunning. :)

  19. gosh, i know. some weeks i just have to take a number of deep breaths and drink plenty of black tea! other weeks it all feels manageable-- but it depends on the week, doesn't it? cheers to you and all this work you do.

  20. This blog is always HEARTWARMING...
