Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Secret Life of Blogging and a Midnight Rally

Pictures by Nadia

Today Nadia, from the gorgeous blog La Porte Rouge, wrote such a beautiful and touching post... I must say I got incredibly choked up. Thank you Nadia, for such kind words...
And yesterday I was "tagged" by the lovely Camille of the delicious Rtemis to write 7 facts about myself. I read through hers (so cute), remembered I had done this once before and I went back in time (all the way back through this blog) and reread my facts. My mind is a little blank these days, working too much and nothing but the election on my mind...The old facts still remain true and current so if you want you can check them out, please look here!

Here are just two new ones:
1. Whenever I listen to Barack Obama, I actually have hope for this country. I actually believe in the goodness in people. And I actually believe in myself just a little bit more. I hope he has that effect on others...the air on the high road is just so...fresh.

2. I feel a great sense of peace when I visit you who write my favorite blogs, who pursue your creativity and do so much good, who inspire me every day to do better, see things in a more beautiful way and who make me feel so much less alone...thank you.

Your turn...let me know when you do it and I'll come over to your blog and read them...I want to know more!


  1. I am with you and feel such hope when I think of Obama being our next president. Here is to hope! It is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

  2. It was fun to learn more about you. But the Himalaya in clogs!?

    And Obama is very much the voice of hope to me as well. I believe every word he says because he is the most decent honest man and we are so lucky. Now lets keep fingers and toes crossed.

  3. they were rubber soled clogs...hey some people do it in sandals!

  4. i love learning about other people, especially the details. thank you for sharing.

  5. Ah, I love your extra Obama one. Yes, the fresh air on the high road!

  6. BTW, you might enjoy this post today:


  7. Deb, you are amazing... It's as though you illustrated her beautiful blog with your jewelry! Bravo!

  8. I loved reading both of your posts - a bright spot of happy in the world.

    (and AMEN to #1)

  9. Loved both topics - soo agree with you on Obama - I think the entire world is waiting with baited breath hoping for him to be elected - we're all going to be affected soo negatively if the other one gets in (Heaven forbid this..!)

    Now, I know Christmas is a long way off;

    but, I just couldn't wait...

    I'm in the midst of gift-wrapping an extremely early Christmas present for all my delightful favourite bloggers -
    it'll be ready this evening - so, if you'd like to pop by my blog anytime after that, you may pick it up and enjoy..:)

    P.S: It's on the subject of wisdom, hope, the future...etc

  10. that post nadia wrote was very touching indeed. your work and hers together. such a treat for all of us. i feel optimistic too about the future. i hope he has a chance.

  11. Hi -

    Great Blog! I found my way over from Nadia's blog as well.

    I posted Random Things about Me today on my little home.

    Have a looksie,
    .. Claire ..

  12. all we is hope in times like these...I find mine in the same places...xo

  13. Hi there fellow Brooklynite,
    Love your site and your jewelry.

  14. I cannot wait to vote tomorrow and I feel just the same as you regarding Obama. It is time this country moved away from the "good ole boys" club and voted in a president to suit the times. I haven't been this excited about voting in a long time.
