Monday, October 6, 2008

walk with me

In the morning, around 8:15 am, when I leave the flat to go to the show

I walk through the courtyard

and through the porte

out onto the street. Friday was a beautiful morning, just after an early rain, cold but the light was so nice.

Sometimes there's a lot of traffic

and then suddenly there's none.

This is just across from where I step down into the metro into the Jussieu station.

And this is where I come up, at Palais Royale, just across from the Louvre. Every day I pass the Louvre, but can't go in...

and on my walk, I turn and look up the rue St. Honore but then turn left

past the news agent

around the bend and cross the street

past the beautiful glass metro entrance on the other side of the street

past grand cafes

and more newsstands

and then I turn the corner past the Louvre and onto rue de Richelieu--the sky was so gorgeous that morning...

through the colonnades of the Comedie Francaise

a narrow street with little cars in heavy traffic
every day I pass Moliere

and I always look down (just in case---there are a lot of little dogs)

and up

past little cafes and the boulangerie and the fruit stand

my favorite street on my path, rue des petit champs

and when I get to the pretty little park

and the tabac

I'm there.
And then I spend the next 9.5 hours inside hoping buyers will come and like what I've done.

Friday after work was finished, I walked across the Seine with some friends from the show:

through the courtyard of the Louvre.

Lovely old and new friends : Juliana, a clothing designer from OnA, Mouschka from Amouschka, Carolina & Jean from Mi Purocorazon, and Nico from Joya Amarillos, all so talented and so much fun to be with.

a walk across the bridge from rive droit to rive gauche...

and later past Notre Dame

and home again...


  1. thanks for the tour!!! i so wish i were there!

  2. wow! What a gorgeous place to be :) Thanks for the pics!

  3. What a wonderful visual tour!! I love your room window!

  4. vos photos sont superbes, j'aimrais bien me balader aussi à Paris!!

  5. oh my goodness such beauty. i don't know that we'll be going to paris anytime soon, so your tour is much appreciated. thank you!

    hope the show is going well.

  6. Lovely, lovely.

    For a second, I forgot you were in Paris, and was thinking THAT'S NYC?? lol

  7. this was a fun way to walk where you walk!
    Paris is calling my name!

  8. OH deb thank you, so wanted to stroll in paris in oct. and now i have! they are lovely feels like home!

    any of those photos you?

  9. Oh combien je tiens moi-même avons été heureux dans Paris avec vous. Nous
    danse pouvait manger dans la rue ensemble!
    Wow! Thank you so much for showing me around. You're one heck of a tour guide.

  10. Wow! Fantastic pics, thanks for letting us live viacriously. Somedy.... I will get to Paris...

  11. oh thank you, thank you, thank you for taking us heart aches to be there.

  12. Thanks dear for the tour! Now, next year can i come along? I really like too!

  13. Oh thank you, thank you! What a wonderful tour :) It looks like you guys are having such a good time!

  14. Merci pour la balade. It was lovely.

  15. Thank you for taking us on the tour. I have just spent the last 5minutes sighing away as I looked at your wonderful photos.

  16. I thought my mom was exxagerating when she was saying it was cold. Looks like not!! That's the one thing I dislike about going home in the winter!! Looks like you are having a great time!

  17. what an excellent tour guide you are! this makes me miss Paris too much...

  18. Again, I am so grateful you let us come along! Have fun in London!

  19. Wow, what a lovely journey, and thank you so much for taking us along. Paris looks gorgeous!

  20. What lovely tour... It spoke to me so loud and clear and made me ache for the city where I was born: Paris. It has been too long. Merci!

  21. oh what a wonderful tour!! i've enjoyed it so much :)

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