Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Making Things Happen/Bontastic Tips for Reducing Holiday Stress

Loving my Behance "Action Method" list manager

I always start to really feel the season this week. I mean I start to "feel it" when October hits November, when I start to decide which holiday shows to do and how we can get all of our shop orders out before Thanksgiving or just after. I mean I love the holidays and all but this is the week when there are so many things to do, to plan, to take care of, I start to feel a little...less than relaxed as I am responsible to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

Have I told you I love lists? The lists loom long and large this week as we get our orders ready to pack, invoices sent, holidays invitations made, orders finished, silver polished, pieces checked and double checked, materials need to be picked up all over the city and us ready to go to Iowa for Thanksgiving, I'm taking a look at the big picture and have made some decisions to reduce the stress:

1) Every time I check something off my list an angel will get their wings (Jen said, " Or an angle will get his wig")
2) Decide what the priorities are on the list and get it done first (it doesn't involve blogging so see, I'm ignoring my credo already)
3) Don't stress too hard. What's the worst that can happen? No one's going to get hurt so plough through and do your best!
4) Re-do the list, just move things around until it's manageable and oh! take it one step at a time. (Also doesn't involve blogging so I better go now...)

And now some scenes from the studio:

Oh...and the new Holiday Heirloom Collection Necklaces are up on the site!
Don't forget your bloggeroo discount ladies and gents!


  1. I am always in awe that this is how you spend your days. Creating jaw-droppingly gorgeous jewels. Incredible! I think your approach to the holiday stress is just right . . .

  2. Gorgeous!!! the last picture are those earings and if so they are not on your site?

  3. Well thank you for that..you just made procrastinating that much sweeter!
    NAdia..those earrings are from the Spring Collection that the shops bought at the show--they will be up on the site in January but maybe I will put a few of them up earlier!
    Will let you know when I do!

  4. yep, this is the week, you're totally right. i'm feeling it too! you are so incredibly organized...sigh.

    lovely jewels.

  5. i love the bees and black teardrops. those need to be on necklaces! have your doppelganger get to work on that.

    and that red and turquoise combination...yum.

  6. Thanks for the tips...I NEED them this time of year!

  7. I absolutely adore lists too :) Yours is super helpful! I have my first show at the beginning of December and I'm on pins and needles wondering if I'll have everything together in time!

    I loved these photos of the process :) Beautiful!

  8. it's such a treat to see the scenes from your studio and the list advice is great!

  9. *sigh* those whistles are magnificent.

  10. gorgeousness!!!! Especially the whistle necklaces and those plump & juicy hearts :-)

  11. i like making lists too;
    your whistle necklaces look really cool!

  12. i have been dropping hints (well, not hints, but blatantly telling) for well over a month now to my boyfriend. he needs much direction.

  13. i love everything. i have bonbon oiseau-itis! do you need help packing and shipping for the holidays? i'm offering my services for free!

  14. oh my!!! all so beautiful, so delicate...& i'm sure with such beautiful work you're getting done, many many angels are getting their wigs! i mean wings :o)

  15. I did not know you were big into lists as well. Hm, I am not going to bog everyone down with my idiosyncratic list making techniques, but it gets complicated and can be very stressful... I am drooling over your jewelry - so beautiful and it looks like its all ready to go out the door. Cheers.

  16. great work, bravo!!

  17. Love seeing all the designs laid out like that...

    The whistle necklace is divine!

  18. Thanks y'all for the motivating comments. I'll keep on keepin on...and keep on packing. And how do i get a doppleganger?

  19. Your displays remind me so much of my brother's when he was setting up at the flea market in Clignacourt in Paris. I would go help him every other weekend and it was fantastic seeing him looking over each box and making things fit together. All your pieces are beautiful...always.
