Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Send a Salami to your Boy in the Army"!

How great are these photos from Quango Inc., my awesome website dudes in Portland, Oregon--I send them a "thank you salami" and a big rye bread from Katz' Deli in NYC every year partly because it was funny the first time, now because they love it--it's been a tradition since 2005! We're set to overhaul my old website and give it a whole new oomphy thing in 2009. Thus I bribe them with salamis. (Of course any ideas or feedback for the new site are welcome. I'm going to need all the help I can get on this one...)

On another non-salami related note, I've been on holiday from my computer and pretty much from all modern communications these past few weeks. I'll be back in full swing towards the beginning of next week, it's just that my hands actually hurt from all that was December, bright and beautiful. I am resting them (and my brain) and will be back to work designing my Fall '09 collection and some special news about a new store we're working with (very exciting!) and to (best of all!) catch up with all of you and your wonderful bloggies with nimble mind and fingers so often you will be sick of me.

*{Check out the Food Bank for NYC Raffle winner's blog, Superdumb/Supervillain to hear about Naomi's reaction to her big package of goodies! What a cool person to have won I think---you'll see what I mean when you take a gander at her blog. She is... awesome..I'll be organizing another one again soon for sure!}


  1. *waves to the boys in Portland*

    Couldn't get Naomi's link to work...

  2. Ooops! Thanks HDD...should work now!

  3. I love that idea...sending salami! Nothing like some delish meat in the mail...
    happy new year!!

  4. LOL!!!! Can't wait to see the new design! Hubby is cracking some joke over my shoulder about playing "hide the salami". Gotta go.... xoh

  5. Oh, this is such a terrific idea. I miss good salami and rye bread . . .

  6. Nothing like a good salami. Love the picture. So classic.

  7. oh, man, my fiance would love that as a gift...good call. welcome back!

  8. that is a cool thing to send!! they look like they loved it!! hope you are enjoying this "time off" and we look forwards to more fabulous bonbon news!

  9. Do res your precious hands.
    And sometimes it's good to get away from the all consuming computer. But don't stay away too long!!!

  10. I'm in the mood to look at some jewellery, and your site is down! :wah: Hope this is just a very temp hiccup! :p

  11. Mmmmmm salami, the perfect gift for any occasion. Happy New Year woman.

  12. ha, love the title, just cracked me up. looking forward to your new creations and chatting this year! hope your hiatus was refreshing.

  13. I love Katz - I spotted Brooke Shields in there the last time I went in there.

  14. ps did you get to see the van gogh exhibit- it was all booked up when we were there! :(

  15. That is so fun! What a great idea...send a salami!

  16. Thanks again for a taste of New York from all of us at Quango. Your gift parted the clouds over Portland (for a little while at least). Best wishes for 2009.
