Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Color Therapy

These pretty ladies really cheered me up a few weekends ago with their bright approach to winter. It was like a big "F* You Winter". First it was that sweetie-pie Jen, completely pretty and unafraid in pink and pattern when I went for breakfast at my favorite restaurant in Greenpoint, Five Leaves. And then later, below, when I went for a massage (a gift certificate that I stole from Jim for Therapy--hey I was hunched over ok? You gotta be fast in this house!), the fabulous Paige, who does the zero-balancing there and who is a lady of many talents, wood-turned rings being one of them and putting a hot bunch of patterns and colors together being another.

Thanks ladies for cheering me up again today when I found these pictures of you.


  1. fantastic! i love seeing bright colors in winter, and it was always even more dramatic against the grays and browns of nyc. delightful...

  2. I LOVE the tights - brightens my day too!

  3. the colors and patterns are wonderful!

  4. i am in such a color kick too. i want to redecorate my house in blues, yellows, reds... bright bright bright!

  5. You just reminded me to take my brother's wood rings out more often!! I miss his jewelry!
    Love al the colors...I like black and white but right now a pop of color is good for the soul!!

  6. They put me instantly in a better mood! Thank you for sharing!


  7. it's so great to see people with a color sense of humor!

  8. cheered me right up, & i've certainly had enough of winter. xoh

  9. funny how bright colors can literally feel as if you've been given a shot of vitamin d in these most wintry months. and i think striped tights make everyone happy.

  10. Love those tights! I'm afraid I wouldn't look quite so cute in them, though!

  11. SO much fun! I love that , and wish I was fantastic at mixing patterns!

  12. i am all for coloured tights!
    i wore my purple ones today with my black dress! Makes for a cheery day! since it is pouring rain out, the cheeriness was needed!

  13. I love coloured (+ or - stripes)tights in winter - always brightens up the day..!

  14. Do I need pink tights?
