Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Wartime Valentine Story

I'm really involved in other people's love lives. I talk to significant others all day for about two weeks straight about the perfect Valentine--I do really adore being in on the surprise...I get weak in the knees being around so much Valentine Love. I'm a helpless romantic it's been proven. But this Valentine had me awestruck for some reason...

Kevin wrote to me two weeks ago about a Valentine for his fiancée. We exchanged a few mails about the Pheasant Necklace, this year's favoritist piece it seems, which he knew he wanted (because his girl sent him the link and said "this is what I want!" Right on sister! Get what you want!) but he wasn't sure where he wanted it sent. ..and then this:

Deborah, Thanks so much for the quick response. Is it possible to ship to an APO address? My fiancée is currently deployed to Iraq, and I think it would be even better for her to get the necklace there than to wait until she's home. Kevin

And then, (because I need his billing address as well)...
I am also deployed right now (sadly, not to the same location) and my current address is:

We all got really choked up that day. None of us could explain it, but we had a moment of silence and took a collective deep breath. It made the stress I feel here seem somehow trivial and inconsequential.

He sent me this picture today of her, Katherine--she took it to let him know she got his Valentine and then he sent it to me to let me know she got it too.
So while I'm involved in an abstract sense in other people's love lives, this one made me appreciate the power of love even more and, more than ever, to wish all my strongest wishes across the oceans to them for their safety and for them to come home soon.
Captain Katherine, in her bonbon


  1. My husband spent 2 out of 3 years deployed. Currently home for the past 2 1/2 years. It takes more love than you can imagine to get our men and women through those deployments.

    I'm glad you were able to be a participent in that love story. That necklace...the love of the man who sent it and the love you put into your art...well, that is what brings them home with a healthy soul.

  2. i'm tearing up at 9am!! long distance love is hard, but being deployed overseas is even harder.

    speaking of romance, how did you and jim meet? inquiring eyes want to read!

  3. This post made my crazy day.... thanks Deb! -xoh

  4. you and your work have touched so many lives...that's how sweet you are!!!

  5. I nearly cried! My Andrew was nearly deployed to Iraq two years ago, what a tumultuous time!

  6. Awww wow what a story - truly touched my heart!

  7. oh my goodness, this is such a wonderful story, deb. it's these kinds of things that must make you get out of bed each day and make your gorgeous bonbons. captain katherine is so beautiful and the necklace looks wonderful. safe travels to her and many thanks for the sacrifices she continues to make as well as those of her family.

    xo, cindy

  8. Hello……
    This is amazing!! I am so glad to found your blog!

  9. Sweet Valentine story.

    The Captain could be your next model...

  10. oh my goodness! happy valentine's day indeed.

  11. Oh lovely and how sad. Wishing for their quick reunion. Thank you for sharing this my dear...

  12. that's such a great story--thank you for sharing! I hope they are both home safe soon.

  13. now I am all choked up and fighting tears. This is the sweetest gesture ever!

  14. oh goodness that is so wonderful. and she is so beautiful, and your necklace is so beautiful, and love! is so beautiful.

  15. this should be a with the happiest ending. I so wish the best for the two of them...I just know your sweet pheasant is good luck! xo t

  16. I was reading this whole story thinking, omg, how sweet... but seeing her image with the beautiful eyes and thinking of him looking at his beloved, with gift and love... having to blink carefully not to let the tears out at work!

  17. wow.
    and to see her gorgeous face at the end of that story... how sweet.

  18. this is a very beautiful story!

    i love reading stories such as these.

    your jewelry and the lady are lovely.

