Monday, March 2, 2009

at home in paris and a little sweet surprise for you

Arrived early this morning and snapped a few photos out of the dirty car window to nice affect I think. It's still just about dark in Paris at 7 am on a Monday morning but when I arrived at the Corinne's flat around 8:30 and opened the door into the courtyard, there was Spring and the first crack of sun and I am home in Paris for the next 10 days.

I'm going to take a stroll in the Marais today since this is my only full day here and I haven't been there in a while...tomorrow I set up my stand and then Wednesday the show begins. With that kind of busy-ness in mind, I'll be popping in from time to time but I've arranged to bring a little sweet surprise to you: Keep checking back each and every day until March 15th and you'll find a little something new in the bonbonosphere:

Each day a very special guest will come to you via Your Destiny is Stone Golden
to drop a little sweetness in your cup and take a fresh take on Paris or Frenchiness,
bonbons or oiseaux or whatever their wildest desires. They are bloggers from all over the world: photographers, style gurus, design babes, food bloggers, cultural commentators all with one thing in common--they are all grande inspirers... so please do come back and see what happens?

Hint: the first blogger is here in Paris right now...


  1. glad you arrived safe and sound, and with sunshine waiting to greet you. *kiss, kiss* (that's one for each cheek)

  2. Thanks for your visit on Lou & Tom and your sweet comment about Lotta's paper garland. Enjoy your stay in Paris !!

  3. Glad you made it to Paris've got lovely weather.....enjoy!

  4. Buried here, in a foot of snow, that blossom gives me hope.... xoh

  5. so glad you made it sound and safe...Can't wait to see/hear about everything. Say Hi to sweet Nichole, in person that is:)

  6. So glad it's nice in Paris. I arrive on Sunday for 7 days and it will be nice to be home.

  7. I am so excited for you - that you are there! I hope you have a really wonderful time and I love living vicariously through your pretty photos - keep posting more!

  8. lovely photo! and have a wonderful time.

  9. I love the first photos - so dreamy and of the moment.

  10. i love the photos...especially the ones from the car, you are right about those...have a lovely time dear lady!

  11. nice photos Bonbon! Can't wait to see you in the city of light!

  12. I feel so lucky, once again I get to experience Paris by visiting your blog. The spring flowers make me wish, for warmth and sprouting.

  13. Hope you are having a very good and productive time in Paris!
    I just picked up my parents from the airport and my mom brought a little of France (well a lot) in her suitcases!!

    I showed her your creations and she is in love!

  14. glad you are safe & sound, and i admire your energy after the long flight. love your photos, as always.

  15. oh, i'm jealous. i really really like those blurry from-the-car photos. adding your blog to my roll! found via bliss, yay!

  16. Oh, sweet Deb...I so wanted to wish you sweet travels before you left and missed it...I am so happy you are there and happy and settled and I am thinking of you darlin!

  17. oh, how lovely. i can't wait to see who stops in here for a visiting post. and i love knowing you're in paris. oh, enjoy. i hope you'll spoil us with photos when you return.

  18. ohhh....have the best in every moment
    (and your guest bloggers are wonderful)

  19. don't you just love your life?
    great inspiration: kaari and i are headed to france this summer for a couple weeks to shop, just like the old days... i love hearing about all you're doing there!
