Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bringing it all back home and some Grande Merci's

Back in NY to hearty cold little crocuses, an hour more daylight and some fresh-from-holiday clarity...I've loved having guests here, loved all the fresh perspectives on Paris and the amazingly thoughtful and beautiful posts that link us...I'm so grateful to all for taking the time to be here--merci merci merci. More about all of you all this week.

Report from the front: work in Paris went well and am happy to tell you there are 10 new homes for Bonbons around the world(!) Our adventure in Marrakech and the desert was incredible--We took our time there with no major plans and made a pact to savor every moment, which we did. I'm ready to be home now and burn on a little more luminous, with new ideas for new directions and a newer better Bonbon and a more focused and relaxed us. It's the best souvenir we brought home (besides some kick-ass lamps from the souks of Marrakech).

Why we travel...
(Pictures soon--My hard drive is too full to accept them all---there are so many, I'm taking it in today to get a bigger hard drive! It's a good thing I'm so relaxed...) xoxoxo


  1. so great to have you back! yay for ten more homes for bon bon! & cannot wait to see more pictures of your lovely adventures!

  2. Yay! You're back! So glad everything went brilliantly in Paris and that you had a wonderful time in Marrakesh. I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures...

  3. wonderful travels enrich life so much.
    glad you are back.

  4. I am looking forward to your pictures. The trip sounds amazing.

  5. Here's to being refreshed and relaxed post-vacay. Can you send some of those good vibes my way?

    Glad you are back. Now, bring on the pics!!!

  6. welcome back deb! so excited for the photos!

    ps: i wish i was there to eat the laduree macs!

  7. welcome home!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics!

  8. i am so excited for the photos! and, of course, congrats to the new bonbon homes! woot!

  9. I cannot wait to see your photos! I loved reading all the guest posts too...about Paris! my favorite city (aside from NY of course) ;)
    welcome home!

  10. oh goodness...I am so happy you are back...I can't wait to see all of your photos! Thanks for the "why we travel" link...makes me itch (not in the skin condition way)...xo t

    you were missed...

  11. Sounds like the perfect mix of business & pleasure. Sooooo looking forward to your photos of Marrakesh.

  12. Welcome home my dear! SO happy it all went well for you and so happy you are back safely! I cannot WAIT to see all you brought back with you(photos, lamps...etc) SO great!
