Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Follow me, mes poulets!

Hello sweet bonbons, it's P. from What Possessed Me, here by the grace of our darling Deb. I'm so happy to be with you.

So here's what I'm thinking:

You're gonna blow off work, throw on a cute little number...

...and hop it to Paris.

Because that's how you roll, sister.

A room at the Hotel du Champ de Mars in the 7th will be waiting. Madame has prepared the little yellow one that opens onto the courtyard. Chocolat chaud and croissants in bed taste much better than white coffee and a doughnut...

Your belly full, you wander. On the rue Madame, you follow an impossibly chic and mysterious woman to Odorantes...

...where the flowers are arranged by scent. There she buys an elegant nosegay, its perfume trailing behind her as she swishes by.

Is it me, or it is time for taxidermy? The stuffed animals of Deyrolle beckon, offering you a delicate madeleine. Who says no to a water buffalo?

But when the delightful shopgirl invites you for sweet mint tea at the La Grande Mosquée de Paris, you choose baklava over badgers, reveling in the panoply of color and light.

Wandering around the Sorbonne, you can't help but notice a French dude giving you the hairy eyeball. "I know a little place, ma petite chou" he coos. "We will have oysters and chablis."

He's small, his pants are too tight, and he's wearing a beret, but he's strangely...alluring. Somehow, you don't even mind that he bears a striking and disturbing resemblance to Maurice Chevalier. Whatever! It's kind of cute when he says, "Zut alors!" just like Jean-Pierre from your ninth grade French textbook.

You find yourself getting slightly carried away. The oysters...the candlelight...the lovely wine...

In fact, you quite like him. And you might even stay a while.

(It's a good thing you brought your cute underwear.)

Photos: 1 and 2: Le Blog de Betty. 3. Hotel du Champ de Mars. 5. Garance Dore.6. All Stripes 7. Deyrolle 8. 39 Vaugirard 9. Danske 10. Grunge Gypsy


  1. so funny and wonderful--all of these posts make me want to "hop it to paris"! sigh. imagining is a wonderful thing.

  2. thank you for the wonderful trip!

  3. If I wasn't ready to go before I am now! Wonderful post with a fun story and gorgeous pictures.

  4. God, I laughed so hard! What a delightful story!

    I did bring the cute knickers :)

  5. Oh, P, you are the cutest and funniest! This post just made my day. I felt like the blind man in Amelie, when she takes him across the street and through all the foot traffic, describing it all along the way.

    Thank you for that.

  6. Panopolise me, por favor! (oops, wrong Romantic language!) I <3 this trip through Paris, where I don't have much personal yearnings for and yet, to have a trip as you've described...

  7. Tres bien. On y va tout de suite? J'ai mon valise avec. Sorry. Your post caused the remnants of French learned 35 years ago to course through my neural networks.

  8. Sounds downright amazing to me!!!

  9. Oh! Darling P......you never disappoint! I love the adorable outfit you brought us and the choice of where we will stay! I say yes to hot chocolate and croissants in bed and all the rest! *sigh* What a wonderful trip it has been! Thank you my dear!

  10. Wow, what a great idea. I love this post.

    Please check out my blog entry on Deyrolle.


    I'm adding you and what possessed me to my blogroll.

  11. this was a wonderful post, chock full of goodies! Deb has left her blog in very good hands!! s

  12. I feel like I just went on vacation! :)

  13. i love everything french - you've succeeded in making me die for paris. :)

  14. nice P baby! i love it! thanks for such a wonderful post!!!
