Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Poem a Day

click to see the talent come alive

April is National Poetry Month. Ahhh...poetry. If you haven't had the pleasure of visiting Miss Ada Limón's blog, she, Jennifer Knox (check her out on "Take off your Pants and Relax") and Jason Shneiderman, three of New York's finest, most accessible, radically honest, and relate-able poets, are celebrating by writing a poem a day. This is their yearly challenge! It all gets taken down at the end of the month so get the feed and read one a day...they're really really good! And I'm not just saying that because they're my friends.

For Ada's birthday last week, I asked the amazingly talented Vana of Le Papier Studio to illustrate one of her poems--thought her signature style would lend itself perfectly to Ada's poetry and look at what she's done! It's been hard to keep it a secret... I hope Ada asks Vana to illustrate an entire book. My life's deeds would be (almost) complete.


  1. Miss Ada is wonderful! Thanks for helping me find her :)

  2. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful combination of talent and beauty! Vana's work is perfect for such a poem!

  3. oh, hooray to poems. and to this beautiful illustration too. --k.

  4. Oh....wow. What an absolutely gorgeous poem(is this your incredibly lovely friend I met at your house?) and beautiful illustration Vana did to go with it. I love this, and what a wonderful friend you are to give such a beautiful and thoughtful gift. *sigh*

  5. Oh My Heavens. Which is where I would die and go if anyone ever had my poem illustrated like that. WOW. I'm actually jealous! That is amazing, what a beautiful gift. The poem I most recently posted was basically about being endlessly broke. That illustration might be kind of depressing. ;)

  6. Deb, thanks for posting this! It's been a pleasure knowing you and working with you on this. I think it turned out amazing! I might offer to do more of this:)



  7. I love it. I didn't know it was poetry month! You've just inspired a future post for me:)
    thank you!

    I love Vana. She made me the most beautiful and simple and elegant stationary. Beyond being talented she is so kind and sweet. I emailed her with a very random (and unrelated to my order) question and she is such a doll that she called me back with an answer rather than email me back. love her. thanks for featuring her here!
