Friday, May 1, 2009

30 more seconds of Fame for the Bon

Not sure if this anchor was really listening but I thought Leeann from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden looked great decked out with a giant bonbon on her lapel AND in her hair! (She purchased them last night at Matsuri where we drank sakura cocktails and ate pink bass sushi with a little sour blossom on top!)
She told us she'd wear them for her AM interview on the WB so I was up at 6:30 to see live action bonbons on the same channel as Gossip Girl. The drumming's not bad either.


  1. Fantastic!!!!! that is wonderful deb- wow what a busy wonderful year it has been so far!!! completely deserving!!!

  2. yay for the bon! nice drumming action whoA!

  3. whoohoo! yay for bonbon! i smiling my biggest smile for you right now :)

  4. awesome ... they are so perfect! don't forget us when you are even more rich a famous ;).

  5. Hurray for bonbons on the WB! God, those puppies are beautiful. I feel lucky to have some of my own. xoxox

  6. oh, hooray! what a fun story.

  7. Oh yay that is so neat - congrats!

  8. Wow I am in awe of you and your famousness.
