Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hans Christian Andersen's Paper Cuts

The Paper Cuts by Hans Christian Andersen from here

Sprawled out on the grass, eye-level with the flowers, early morning tea or just before bedtime, I am lapping up this new translation of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. It's kind of taking the Danny Kaye out of the whole affair for me but reminding me of all the great stories I loved as a wee lass: The Ugly Duckling, The Princess on the Pea and The Emperor's New Clothes...lost to imagine other very far away lands, and what might happen next and how funny the princess could still feel the pea with all those mattresses! I'm all fueled up to tell some stories to Sophie and as it turns out Emily, who might too old to believe in fairytales but made me tell her the story of Thumbelina anyway...

But look at Hans' paper cuts. Imagine him with his sharp scissors in his pocket, turning the paper round and round while the children waited to see what happened! These little fantastic fantasies, little visual synopses of his stories, little stories themselves, unfolding as little bits of paper drifted to the floor! I am lost in his world right now, cutting little stories and floating them out into the world to see...

thanks Ada for recommending this book...


  1. Hans Christian Andersen was a wildly, amazing, artistic character who still surprises us after so many years.

  2. These are amazing! I had no idea he did this. Love Danny Kaye as HCA, by the way.

  3. i love the papercuts, and while it isn't really related but the color schematics are similar might i suggest the illustrated book "Brooch" by Yoshie Watanabe & Yayako Uchida? It's a colored pencil fairytale.

    I have a copy, i will show you sometime!

  4. love these paper cuts, i will have to find this book now. thanks for this post!

  5. Thumbelina has always been Emily's favorite!

  6. oh, i love it! i hope she's not too old to believe in fairy tales. i hope none of us are! :)

  7. Paper cuts always amaze me - I will never tire of them! I love the fact that these relate to stories :)

  8. Lovely stuff Mama. Tell me some stories also? If I can't sleep or am scared I make my BF tell me stories. The most recent was about a bunny rabbit who broke into Jamba Juice and made carrot juice for himself.

    In case you didn't figure it out, he is awesome. And by he I mean the bunny rabbit AND my BF!

  9. My friend Rachel (fog and thistle) cuts paper, and I am amazed by how tough it is. It truly is an art.

    These are lovely!

  10. What a talent.
    Do you know the totally bizarre book
    Strewel Peter?
    It is German and from about the same period, contains some silhouettes.
    Will show you some time. Really weird.

  11. i love these bon bon! ps the cherry blossoms are all out in full bloom here and remind me of you!

  12. Great find! These are quite lovely. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I am loving yours!

  13. what a beautiful reminder of the stories I loved as a wee one! officially now on the Willa Wish List . . . !

  14. I love this....thank you for sharing!
