Tuesday, May 19, 2009

little bits of out there and in here

street studies in pink

The morning after the night before. Walking home from breakfast the other morning, we also saw a very very small bottle of Jaegermeister near a very large mossy tree trunk. Gnomes clearly, but a few steps later, a very LARGE playing card--a three of spades, lying near a black iron fence. Giants? There's a happening when no one's looking.

the way the garden grows

Such as, suddenly overnight, there's a garden blooming, with so much to tell you. Thank you for turning pink new strawberry. I know you could do it! You are on your way to red...you can do it!


  1. i am having garden envy with that beautiful strawberry deb!

  2. ...i think i need that dildo headband. bad. not sure if that's more disturbing than knowing where to actually get one!

  3. Oh my goodness! What a green thumb you have. By the way, the pink "head" band is fabulous! What a great way to start my morning :)

  4. HOLY SHIZ! LOOK AT MY POST TODAY! Yours is much better. :)

  5. I love your writing, so poetic. I need to take some writing lessons from you...

  6. It's surprising how lots of typos can be be mistaken for poetic Asya!

    P--holy SHIZ is right--get out of my mind!

    Jules: not really green, just a good combo of rain and sun

    lazy, do you really know where to get one of those things?

    aran, i thought about trying to mail you that first strawberry but it might not mail well...plus i think i'm goingto get a harvest of about 4...

    oxox, me

  7. oh you are so funny with that headband! pink never looked so hot. of course, i do love your flowers and the strawberries.

  8. hysterical. and beautiful. both. yay for strawberries!

  9. I love it! you are a woman of many talents:) xo

  10. wooo hooooo! he's PINK!!!

  11. my friends are going to pride in boston, maybe i'll fashion a similar headband for them...

    love that perfect little strawberry deb. gnomes, mini bottles of jeger, and giants, omy! i hope your fantastical week continues!

  12. oh, the delightful beginnings of summer. i adore it!

  13. OMG! I just about sprayed coffee all over my computer screen when that first image loaded....too funny.

  14. GREAT post. As an alternate title, would you consider: "A Pink Penis Grows in Brooklyn"?

  15. your garden makes me drool.
    thanks for such great photos.
