Monday, May 18, 2009

True Inspiration for a Monday: The Projects of Pippa Small

Dhongria of Orissa India
images from Survival International by Jason Taylor

To say Pippa Small's projects inspire me is an understatement...She makes me feel that anything is possible with an open-heart and commitment to the belief that what you create and design can go beyond a simple transaction. She's taken big dreams and followed her heart to make them a reality, using her talent to inspire, contribute, give back...she is a role model in the finest sense.

Take a few minutes or promise me you will when you get the the short film about her project in Kabul, Afghanistan, and her projects working with Survival International to help the threatened Dhongria tribe of Orissa, India, read an article about her in the Telegraph, more videos about her work with tribes in Botswana and in Panama.

I've always had larger plans for Bonbon, and reading about what Pippa Small has done has only cemented my belief that I can do anything I put my mind to. Wow. How's that for a Monday Dose of Inspiration? For now, I am starting small, where I and here.


  1. thank you thank you thank you. lately i feel like it has been all about me, that i am thinking what is my contribution to this world. last nightmy husband and i watched a documentary and we said how incredibly self less some people are, yet how rewarding it must be.

    deb how are you>?

  2. truly inspirational deb...thank you for sharing this, i just went through all the links and i am simply amazed. puts things back into perspective and gives my mind something to dwell on. thank you! i know that you have big, wonderful things in store.

  3. This is amazing and wonderful and inspiring and even better than ricotta with figs and honeycomb (if that's possible). Thank you for posting this - what an incredible woman you are!

  4. inspiring, generous women seem to find one another...thank goodness. and nothing you do is "smal" dear one. xo t

  5. Wow, she seems amazing. I'm off to read the article...

  6. aww...thanks ladies...i am so happy to have your support...
