Wednesday, June 3, 2009


look how beautifully Nadia has made her home...
above photos by nadia

I have suddenly become very obsessed with nesting.

Maybe because I am alone this week, I am suddenly very aware of how in control I am of my own comfort. I'm not sure whether to embrace this feeling (Oh I am totally embracing...I even noticed how enjoyable the mere act of slipping on my slippers was this morning and how incredible it was to sink into my pillows last night) or to get lost and do some serious backpacking...I love how, even in a tent, Nadia from La Porte Rouge made such a beautiful nest for herself...she shows throughout her weeks living simply in her tent you don't really need a house to make a home. Home can be anywhere you are.

Maybe it's from years of moving around or my addiction to travel and living out of a suitcase but why do I feel so uncomfortable about getting too comfortable?

Tonight I am teaching the very first of my Bonbon in the Studio Workshops. I'm getting ready for the ladies to roll in and make some STUFF. (Next one is on June 24th--details Friday-hope you can come!)

All photos above by Nadia from La Porte Rouge!


  1. these are some of my favorite photos of nadia's...i love, love how it all looks so homey...and not even in a conventional way.

    every time we move, i think i'm going to settle in, but i never apartment looks like a very large dorm room. maybe since it isn't mine i don't nest...curse the shackles of renting!

  2. hi I just found your blog! from ms. unreliable! What a great attitude you have :) I'm all alone this week as well so know that someone's got your back :) What, exactly, is nesting? And do let me know if you know of anyone in NY that needs a roomate...I'm moving in 2 weeks :)

  3. I hope you have so much fun at your class...wish I could be there!

  4. incredible images and oh so cozy. off to visit her site immediately. love the mode of nesting. something so nourishing and secure. enjoy...

  5. Seriously, if one has to tent camp, it should be done in the grand style Nadia has achieved.

    *Note to self: buy some Wellies*

  6. living simply is it! Have fun at your classes miss bon bon!

  7. I can understand so, so much of this post *winks*

  8. dearest deb!

    thank you for posting some of our tent living. it was exactly nesting like birds, really, leaving the safety fo the tent right into nature. exploring with no boundaries. I remember the times k. was away and how i would prepare the house just for me and the bed was all mine!

  9. Oh, I have missed so much beauty over here of late. Moving and tons of boxes make it so hard to do all the visiting one would love to do! These photos are gorgeous and I agree...home is where ever you make it!
