Friday, June 19, 2009

The Mermaid Parade Cometh

rogue shirts I made in 2004
shrimpy accordianists
mama's boys
aaron always goes for the gold

The Coney Island Mermaid Parade. This will cheer us all up. Our old friends from Mama Digdown's Brass Band are marching, there will be accordianists dressed like shrimp, people looking like clams and sushi and all kinds of sea creatures and even if it rains it's a pretty good tradition for us. And did I mention Harvey Keitel is King Neptune? Harvey Keitel!

Stop at the Ft. Greene Brooklyn Flea early tomorrow to see Vanessa* with the bonbons. Stop in Coney Island to see us dressed like sea anemones cutting loose to brass band music for pictures past...

*I'll be at the Dumbo Brooklyn Flea on Sunday working it all out, repenting for my Saturday sins hopefully with a fistful of Father's Day prezzies if you've forgotten...


  1. this all looks and sounds like so much fun! I so wish I could go to the brooklyn

    happy weekend1 xo

  2. it's such a coney island event. have fun. walk between the raindrops, although i don't think mermaids and sea creatures care about rain ;).

  3. fun! again, wish i could be there...
