Thursday, June 18, 2009

Packages coming and going

what was in my package by marichelle

what I sent out, sleeping cat in background not included

I received a really special package the other day on the same day I tried to send a special one out. I'd call that the kind of reciprocity that only happens in dreams. I took part in the wonderful Nadia's (from La Porte Rouge) summertime swap and sent mine out on the same day I received this beautiful little banner from Marichelle from Heart Handmade. Marichelle and I had our own little swap going and all I did was fix a little necklace for her and she sent this. She even embroidered "bonbon oiseau" along the little flags. A spectacular handmade object, I haven't loved a thing so much in a long time. Thank you M.
My package pales in comparison but it was inspired by the recipient and a little package of pink Papabubble candies I found in Soho and some Moroccan dried roses I brought home with me in March. Oh and there's some music in there too, (Nadia requested we send music and I did...I made some stuff to get sentimental to.) Even more exciting? I'm still expecting another little fantastic package from whoever got me in the swap! Come on...who got me?!

Tonight is the Fall Preview--it's been raining, Pacific Northwest style, for the past 5 hours. I still hope you can come!


  1. that sounds so lovely! i've never participated in a swap, though it's something i've always wanted to do. all hail reciprocity!

  2. what a lovely package you received with the hand made bunting!!! and your package that you sent was pretty nice too!! love the roses.... the small Moroccan dried roses always smell so sweet.

  3. I'm so glad you like the garlands!!! x Marichelle

  4. incoming and outgoing look pretty great to me!

  5. a-mazing! what great packages from you both...this summer swap has been so fun and fantastic. i've heard of papabubble...i will have to make it a destination for sure.

    i so wish i could be at the fall preview! i seem to always say that...but, i am headed to the great american east august 9 all the way until the 16th! so, we should definitely discuss that... word verification was 'behott'! ...i already be hott, but thanks...

  6. What divine little reminders of the delights of friendship :)

  7. Wow, lucky lady!

    Hope tonight was fab. Sorry to have missed it.

  8. hahaha..i should clarify that marichelle wasn;t part of the swap--we had our own little thing going...i am waiting for my swap package...very intriguing!

    cindy--i like your verification word: you behott for sure...

  9. I love these little traveling packages ... and your handmade banner is great !!

  10. Hello- sweet girl- I got you in the swap:) I am so excited for you to receive. Lil bit worried as I am away and I mailed it on 6-13-so you would get it . So...I am thinking maybe I did wrong address -I will know when I get back to town if it was returned. I sent from San Francisco area-so it could just be slow mail. None the less you will be getting it soon. I am posting anon-as I posted pic of gift on my blog-more will be revealed...xoxo

  11. Wet in the desert of the Pacific NW, too

    Love the packages!

    On another note....can't stop thinking about your 3'x3' farm. What about some sort of vertical apparatus for the gutters? Who needs a wall.....going up!

  12. swaps bring out the loveliest is people don't you think...I so wish I could have been at the preview...xo t

  13. how sweet! I love sending care packages as much as receiving one in the mail. That banner is darling!

  14. your packages are always the best deb!
