Monday, July 13, 2009

Clones and Sky

I found out yesterday that in each Aspen colony, all the trees are clones, sharing the same root system, all essentially sharing identical characteristics. That's why all those damn eyes kept staring at me in exactly the same way. Clones.

And the skies here. The clouds have been so...good to me. Remind me to tell you about my seven and a half hour hike yesterday in which I did not make it to the top and also why I want to be a mountain girl but have failed my first test (not having skinny legs might have something to do with it, either that or watching too much Bravo TV.

Special treats by way of surprise guest bloggers right here for the next few days...luckies...
Kisses from Aspen


  1. I didn't know that about Aspen trees....

    7.5 hour hike? Holy moly. *faints*

    Your photos are glorious.

  2. Gosh, what a lot of fresh air
    improving scenery
    and healthy exercise

    look terrific and reviving

    NY sunny and missing you

  3. i didn't know that, very cool tree community. i love your blue sky photos and hiking is not for me, either. if you're near jefferson county, co they seem to have swarms of ladybugs. very neat. have fun!

  4. amazing, AMAZING photographs!
    I love to hike, but that is one long hike!!!
    Hope you continue to have fun! love that your posting images from you trip!!! please post more:)
    I am stuck in the office all week and need to venture out, by way of your holiday! glorious trees and big blue skies


  5. That photo of the flowers with the mountains behind...amazing!

  6. Holy cow! Real, wild geraniums/cranesbill! Ooh, so pretty. Great picture.

    I have wanderlust now.

  7. Weird... my husband just told me that about the cloned Aspens yesterday! What beautiful pictures.

  8. The sky in Aspen is amazing! I am a big fan of clouds... Looking forward to hearing about your trip this Sunday!

  9. I wish I was there... Looks amazing and fun and have a good time, watch out for rocky mountain oysters


  10. Good lord. The one and only time I was in Aspen was on a ski trip with some girlfriends a few years ago. The first night I lay in bed and said to my friend, "If feels like there's an elephant sitting on my chest. Should I hyperventilate? I need AIR!!!" Just in case you're wondering, yes, you should hyperventilate--I found out later. I can't imagine hiking those mountains! I took a ski lift and could barely walk up one flight of stairs in my ski boots.

    BTW, I hiked a mountain yesterday too. At 3490 ft, Mt. Greylock is the tallest mtn in Massachusetts. I think you win, even if you didn't make it to the top. ;)

    ps--gorgeous pix! is that a wild geranium??

  11. Those skies...I can't get over how beautiful they are.

    Now don't go all crunchy on me or I'll force you to go back on the Jack and Marlboro diet. xoxoxo
