Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday's Inspiration: O! The Wildflower Factory

Apparently I took massive amounts of photos of wildflowers in Aspen. Sorting through them, it reminded me of the chapter on The Tulip in Michael Pollen's Botany of Desire so I took it out again and reread the very interesting and vous recommande:

"Through their colors and symmetries, through these most elemental principles of beauty (that is, contrast and pattern), flowers alert other species to their presence and significance. Walk among them, and you see faces turned toward you (though not only you) beckoning, greeting, informing, promising, meaning."
-Michael Pollen, Botany of Desire

The flowers in the mountains of Colorado were so abundant there was no choice but to take little portraits of each and every one that crossed my path. It really was, as Pollen suggests, "much like the quickening one feels whenever an object of desire is spotted in the landscape"*...I loved what I saw there in a very primal way, love that gives thanks and protection and gets tongue-tied and a little embarrassed.

I loved how certain colors stuck together (red with white, purple with yellow), loved the vibrant carpet of flowers sunning in open fields, clinging brilliantly to the sides of paths, popping up alone next to rocks. Loved the quiet weird little speckled numbers in the shade, the demure little hanging bells, the ones that made you hunker down under them, the little sad-sacks that had lost all its petals to wind and rain, the striking Indian Paintbrush in delicious competing shades from apricot to tomato, scarlet, and grape.

I loved recognizing the ones that conned their way into those Victorian botanist's paper bags and made their way into our gardens, miles and miles and eons away...violets and pansies and irises...way to go wildflowers! Way to inspire us to help you progenerate!~


  1. Wow! These are just lovely. Now you have to come up with a project to use all the pics.

  2. oh, the flowers! i love them all.

  3. what a truly beautiful post! I can't believe how many different wild flowers were on your hike! some I have never seen before.
    thanks for sharing such beauty!!!

  4. Gorgeous!! I love the bright yellow against the bluest of blue sky.

  5. These bring out the plant geek in me. I want to sit with a reference book and ID all of them.

    And I want an Airstream. In which to visit them.

    Dreamy fields of flowers.

  6. I loved reading this post and seeing all of these dreamy photos...
    can't wait to hear more about the trip...

  7. breathtaking. nothing like the vastness and awe of the mountains. love the peppering of color you've found. a gentle reminder to keep our eyes open to the little things. enjoy, mountain girl!

  8. So many lovelies! now I have to read The Botany of Desire. I hope you have recovered from two days of selling. :)

  9. Gorgeous, darling, simply gorgeous! I can feel the sunshine on my back and the cool refreshing wind of the mountains!

  10. I am a mountain girl and he is a beach boy, so you can imagine thse pictures are filling my heads with dreams and more dreams! Gorgeous!

  11. Love the wildflowers! I've been doing a couple of wildflower paintings!

  12. oh, how i love. missed reading these posts last week. so glad to have them to savor now!
