Friday, July 31, 2009

Notes from this here Renovation or Out of the Frying Pan

Yes we are.

The wreckage. A little embarrassed to show it. Hammer next to the computer is telling.
We have moved almost all this stuff out and now getting ready for step 2: paint.
Good bye piece-meal set-up and Ikea corner desk and blackboard wall which seemed like a good idea at the time.

poor little will have a new home soon...

inspiration board...

What I have learned about myself in the last 48 hours: I must crave the pressure. Sick but true. I like to jump right in, but this time, maybe I bit off more than I could chew? Yes. the answer to that is: "yes".

We are leaving next week for our anniversary holiday for a road trip in Wyoming and Montana. This week I am tearing my studio apart. Four bags of garbage, four bags of recycling and a giant box of giveaways and a few Craig's list items. What was I thinking?

So in between trying to remember where we put the boxes for last minute orders, un-drilling shelves, spackling and looking for vacation wear (oh yeah and places to stay?), here are a few notes from the wreckage. Thanks to you who wrote with great ideas and advice, Alexis and Maria and Katrina (who recommended this which has helped me tremendously in the last 48 hours...and did I leave anyone out? Uhhh, Cindy (!) who sent me some some treats with some great music to pack up and cough up dust to. And of course Rachel, who put the tack on my seat. Now I just keep e-mailing and saying things like, "set me straight Rachel, just set me straight..."


  1. yes! yes! yes! so super exciting!!!! i may soon be in the same boat and i'm thrilled to bits about it. good for you, deb!
    change is SOOOO good for us!

  2. Even in the chaos, the space is beautiful - the high ceilings, the tall windows, the parquet floors...(I mean, here I am even admiring the radiators.) I think Rachel is a wise friend and neighbor. Keep on keeping on, lady. You're doing a great thing for yourself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey, above was me deleting my own post 'cuz I wasn't paying attention. Anyway, I love your space and cannot wait to see the "after" shots.

  5. keep going!! the hardest part is already behind you!! wooo! you're gonna feel so good going on your trip and then coming home to a new space! (very proud of you!)
    Are you going to Glacier?

  6. best of luck!! I am in the same boat - although I am still stuck looking at the mess, trying to figure out just how I am going to deal with IT. I think I am going to put together an inspiration board - thanks for reminding me!!

  7. hooray, deb! so glad the book is inspiring. i found it a perfect combination of practical technique & dreamy inspiration. so glad you are taking us along for the renovations, here on your blog. can't wait to watch the journey! enjoy. xoxo, k.

    ps--if i were closer, i'd come by to help paint and mix whiskey drinks ;)

  8. be well sweet friend! I cannot wait to see what you come up with. It will be beautiful. I know it!

  9. true, you did bite off a lot there...but, imagine the magic you'll feel when you come home to a clean and re-organized and re-paintified studio!!!

    wish i could dive right in and help, but at least the music made it to you just in time ;)

    and your love trip, it will be amazing and stunning and i'm assuming nature-y in that crunchy good way!

  10. wow, amazing! good luck and have a great anni trip!

  11. Hope you have a wonderful trip and that we get together on your return.
    Back to nature

  12. your studio es muy grande and will be great, especially when you return home. enjoy your anniversary trip. you sure are becoming a country girl ;).

  13. Ooh...thanks for that link, toots! Never knew AT had a book. I think I need to get it. I can't wait to see what your new space looks like...I'm sure it will be beautiful:)
