Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Five Year Plan Dot Org

Ladies and germs, I would like to introduce you to my old friend Aaron Sinift.
Aaron and I met in Iowa City and were in India at the same time which took us on many adventures and now, he is about to have a new one. He always amazes me with the largeness of his thinking and his big heartedness but mostly it's his approach, always original, completely his own.

He just sent me the finished website for his newest project, Five Year Plan, a total mission of love. He has merged passions and artists that have touched his life directly by curating artworks in a non-traditional way in the form of a book which is also a bag. This bag will contain the artworks and will be produced and printed in India in a traditional way thereby helping Indian artisans, weavers and printers. It is available for pre-purchase by any of us, in tiers of prices so as not to exclude anyone with all proceeds going towards Doctors without Borders (MSF) and fund future benefit work by Five year Plan.

The artists he's gotten to donate works are incredible including amongst them Yoko Ono, Robyn Beech, Julie Doucet, Greta Byrum and Donald Baechler. If that's not impressive enough, the website was totally conceived and HANDMADE by Aaron. Beautiful incredible stuff. Message of the day: Think Big.


  1. ok, so much to say and my pasta is overcooking so here goes:

    1. welcome back from PAHREE!!!
    2 take your time with the necklace (but it would indeed be lovely to wear it for my open studio!)
    3. five year project = amazing. thank you for sharing the talent of your friend. incredible project.
    4. you lived in india?! the grant for which i just applied is, my dear friend, so that i might spend a year painting. in india. we must discuss.
    5. drooling over your paris pics. DROOLING, and i've only just started to scroll through. off to save my dinner, but i'll be back to finish reading later!

    xo! lily

  2. Thanks for the update about Aaron Sinift!!!!!

    He has matured into an amazing guy

  3. Oooh ... this looks amazing. I love people with the sorts of brains and drive to make things like this happen.

  4. Oh, how amazing and beautiful! Off to check it all out! Wow....

  5. I love big-picture people. I am such a detail-person that I am always just utterly amazed by folks like Aaron. It sounds like a wonderful work of love... I'm off to read the details. ...Heh.


  6. news flash: he's just gotten francesco clemente. oh art.
