Sunday, October 4, 2009

Puppets vs Poppers

Guten morgen bonbons. Full disclosure: I am not really a blogger. I'm a photographer who happens to have a fun little website where I post my images and sometimes write brilliant words. I know our Bonbon back from my Brooklyn days but I currently live in Berlin (Oh Deb, so close yet so far away!).

So it being a Sunday and it being Berlin I very easily could have been doing one of two things this morning: A) crawling out of a techno club (the rumors you've heard about nightlife here are true) or B) watching surreal 40' marionettes march through the city streets (the rumors you've heard about hallucinogenics here are also true). I should point out that before last Sunday's national elections one prominent politician reminded the young people to get out and vote! Vote after you leave the club! Vote on your way home from 10 hours of mind numbing music!

I know, I know, I should be thinking about Paris but since yesterday was Tag der Einheit (Day of Reunification) celebrating when the East and West joined 19 years ago and since the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is just around the corner, I've got Berlin on my mind. Thankfully a French(!) street theater company named Royal de Luxe decided to mark the reunification by parading huge puppets through Berlin (thanks French people for allowing me to continue talking about my own life even while on a blog about beautiful things, precious objects and french fever).

Which brings me to the bizarre act of watching enormous puppets walk by the Reichstag. They were big and beautiful and expertly operated by a team of jumping pages (now top on my list of jobs I MUST do before I turn 30). I just wanted to share a taste of things you don't come across everyday, no matter where you live.

(Photos by me)


  1. sacre fucking merde alexa. this blog is only about 40 foot puppets from now on. for realz. pictures (and report)are off the charts beautiful, bizarre and a little off-putting in the best way possible. thank you love--this made my day (as did a very nice order from Spain).

  2. Melissa, I'm so pleased to tell you that you are the lucky lady of the week + Her name was Lola's Plywerk Giveaway winner! Congratulations!

    Please email your information {photo selections, shipping address, etc.} to larahillier{a}me{dot}com

    Have a fabulous rest of the weekend!


  3. OH MY GOODNESS- this is one of those moments where i wish there was a superman and i was dating him i would say something like " turn back the time and drop me off in berlin and i will french kissa ya!!!

    holy smokes sureal!!

  4. wow. I kinda think this is super cool. I personally believe Berlin is the coolest city on the planet and these wacked out marionettes make it even more intriguing!

  5. those photos are so unique!!!

  6. These are AMAZING! I wish there were little people to haul me out of bed in the morning.

  7. French feverish! ha I love this!
    Thank you for your recent comment...
    In fact, the parade's dolls are quite sombre for me...

    Wonder what they think. THose empty eyes..

  8. Hi nice to see you. Please submit your blog in Bookmarking, our members vote For your blogs. Please submit/publish at htp:// Hopefully more traffic to your blog

  9. These images are simply amazing. Must have been quite a sight! How many puppets were there?

  10. I LOVE this post! So glad I found your blog. I'm planning my first trip to Berlin and these photos are great inspiration!


  11. I've never seen ANYTHING like this! Holy smokes!

  12. it reminds me when I saw them in Nantes ... it was amazing.
