Friday, October 16, 2009

Spotted: My Niece Emily

My (now blonde) niece Emily was street-spotted (is this a sartorialist for college kids?) for her adorable self-styling her second day of school. I'm so proud.

She started NYU in September and is making me pretend like she went far-away to school. Apparently those are her very cute friends. I think it's important to note, she is also wearing a necklace you can barely see in these photos, but wears it everyday, from my pal Melissa.


  1. Oh gosh.....she is just adorable. Look at that cute dress and her beautiful sweet face! I am so honored and flattered that she loves little "hope" so much. That makes me very, VERY happy! Thank you my dear pal!
    ps you're right, I LIKE it! :)

  2. she's a gem! i love that tulle, so sweet!

  3. She looks great, I love her hair and being in the storialist it´s great!
    I absolutely loved you blog and your jewelery! I want everything!

  4. ooo! she is a cutie, & I bet her necklace is beautiful too :o)

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this post! This is Caroline, founder of Street-Spotted. There was definitely something very sweet about Emily--more than just her adorable outfit--that made us do the feature on her.

    It's a shame we didn't get to ask about the necklace. I'd be happy to add that information to the post to help out your friend Melissa!

    And by the way, congratulations on a wonderful blog.



  6. Cuties! Oh to be starting college again...
