Monday, October 12, 2009

Thank you and Ladurée and Thank you Ladurée

a little Ladurée

Home and back to work, jet-lagged and with a little bit of a cold, but I'm not complaining. I actually lost weight in Paris but I still can't figure out how. Again, not complaining. I'm actually roasting a chicken with freshly picked carrots and haricots straight from here on this chilly fall day and thinking about my last afternoon in Paris after the show, when I went with Coco to Ladurée for, as Erin put it, l’heure du goûter...something charlotte with figs and miel and a pinkerdoodle dandy with chantilly cream and rosewater and a million sugarplum fairies or some such thing.

I also just want to say a great big thank you to my friends who blogged here while I was away and sending virtual a virtual Laduree sugar-high to them all... P, Amanda, Alexa, Mel, and Melissa and Erin...I loved their frenchie entries and it's always nice for me to be a guest in my own blog for a change...hope you scroll down if you haven't already and see their wonderfulness in all it's glory.


  1. i was just on tastespotting looking at dessert and then i come here!!! what am i to do? everything will look and taste like cheap imitation:)yes your guest were fantastique!

  2. We're still waiting for the storm out here..thanks for stopping by..and I am so glad you're going to make the soup...smells good in here.... those little confections look so good...tomorrow when it's raining all day I am going to read all of your looks so wonderful.......

    More later,

  3. Oh, gulp, nom nom nom. Sorry. Couldn't help it.

  4. oh la la!!! look at that desert!! takes my breath away...great to have you back lady!

  5. Welcome home! You know, the same thing happened to me when I lived in Paris. Even though I indulged in everything, I actually lost a little weight! Another reason to love Paris!

  6. Hmmm... so the fact that French women are so thin and fabulous is not genetic but environmental..? :)


  7. mmm any desert with figs is always on top of my list!!
    yes, I lost weigh in Paris when I lived there. You walk so much and the food is fresh and portioned.
    mmm, the food *le sigh*

  8. "Taste-spotting"!
    ..this is some seriously sweet "Gastro-porn". I am still salivating, and sweating with anticipation thinking I am standing in that forever line. Hgh...

  9. Welcome back lovely! I'm going to just sit here and drool over the fig beauty! I'm so dying to return to Paris....

  10. wow! what a lovely stay in Paris. you are so lucky!
    wish you a great day,

  11. Are you kidding me with that figgy thing?! MUST HAVE FIGGY THING!!!! xoh

  12. Damn. I should have gotten that!:)

  13. Welcome back to the states! Hope you had a productive time in Paris. Those treats look amazing!!! I lost weight in Paris too - ALL that walking!

  14. SO happy you are back my dear! Gosh, does that all look delicious! So happy to be able to help out a little while you were gone, it is always an honor and a pleasure. YAY! PARIS! * and yes, you looked absolutely fabulous when I saw you on saturday. FABU!

  15. i wish i could have been there with you deb!

  16. look at all those lovelies! You're such a tease:)

  17. oh goodness gracious. should not be looking at such scrumptious goodies at this hour! so glad you got to feast on them though! xo!

  18. i somehow always lose weight when i go to paris too!! and let me tell you....i do NOT hold back. just goes to show what quality food does for the body! sounds like you had an amazing trip!

  19. looks like you had great time in Paris !!
