Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Not Going Wrong

click pics to link to ecookbooks!

Hard to go wrong with beautiful usable cookbooks or books about food, right? But I'm fiendish about cookbooks, in a "hoarders" kind of way. I always know the cookbooks I want and the ones I don't. It's one of the few things in life I'm really sure about it. I'd get any or all of these for others (but only because I really want them for myself--wow did I just say that out loud?).

(I guess just writing this reminds me to remind you to not forget about our Little Buddha Necklace which we hope will help to feed hungry New Yorkers this holiday season. For the next few weeks we're going to donate 50% of the proceeds from this sale to the Food Bank for New York City and offer you free shipping on this little guy...if you'd like, please help me spread the word!)


  1. i looooved my experience at 'au pied de cochon' when we went. yum... cookbook!

  2. Interested in the Fat Duck. I've eaten there a few times and I thought the hype exceeded the mouthfuls. But I suppose one should remember that he pioneered the art of nostalgic eating. Bacon and egg icecream, et al.

    Or did Thomas Keller?

    The Ad Hoc at home looks good! I once made the torchon from his French Laundry book. I wonder if I will EVUH eat there???

  3. i really want to go to pied au cochon!
    and marie you are my sister in cookbook compulsion aren't you?

  4. I want all of those books! Especially 'I know How to cook.' It looks fab! And that necklace is too cute. I shared it on mah blog: http://jewelrywhore.com/content/do-some-good - such a good cause!

  5. hmmm...like your taste in cookbooks lady. i have some of those on my wishlist, and now i have to add the rest

  6. I can vouch for Vefa's Kitchen. I splurged and bought it for myself and have since bought 3 copies as gifts. Perhaps I KNow How To Cook will be next...
