Tuesday, December 1, 2009

OK--I realized something today

Photo: Danielle Levitt for New York Magazine

I am in a work frenzy. I am riding a wave of all work and very little play. Life's a little out of balance. It's not you, it's me. I haven't had too much time to find anything very interesting lately let alone to share it with you, my favorite dumplings ever...except this..I LOVE Todd Oldham and now I love him even more. His eloquence, openness and humor are like a drug for me. Just one article free'ed up some of the crust holding down my brain. I don't feel so cornered by one creative outlet. He just makes me feel very free to see what's next, to play while I work this month. Thank you Todd Oldham.

And, in the spirit of making stuff, my Cyber Monday sale is keeping the studio buzzing much louder than I had even expected--you should hear it! And thank you. The elves are really happy too so I'm extending it until 6pm tonight. Get in there babies! Forward to your loved ones so you can get what you want...and you know this sale not only goes for my vast ole' website but for my new pop-up shop as well!

(Don't forget it's only 5 days til my first event of the season and 6 until our Open Studio Holiday Soirée! Get in mah belly!)


  1. Charley Harper is my absolute fave. I have this poster and am dying to frame it but never have time!



  2. busy is a very good thing, it pays the bills ;)! hang in there!

  3. Oh, I love Todd Oldham, too! And now even more so, thanks to you!! Thank you, dear.

    And I'm sending play-while-you-work vibes your way this month; and a dose of serenity for good measure.


  4. Oh, I am ready to fall in love with Todd, off to read it now....and cannot wait to see you.
