Wednesday, January 13, 2010


dad and my big brother at emily's graduation last may

This is how I begin: This is the first time I've been home in 9 days. My father is very sick. My family and I have been with him in the hospital since last Monday night and we are holding out hope that he will pull through. He is old and fragile. While we hope big, we are feeling sad and confused also.

There is so much to this experience, every nuance of whatever this misshapen process is, carries pain and hope and ability, reflection and wishes and love and heartbreak, weakness and strength. We are feeling as many feelings as I think there are. We are taking it minute by minute right now, but sometimes we forget. I hope things will go back to normal soon, like my father would want for all of us. I miss you.


  1. I am very sorry to hear your father is sick. I am sending some good vibrations from the west coast to you and your family.

  2. Been thinkin' about you this week, much love to you and yours.

  3. i was just thinking of you today. sending love and the best wishes. xo

  4. Oh man. You'll be in my heart. Your words are beautiful at a time that I know is terribly difficult.

  5. Deb, so so so sorry. I wish I could hold your heart in my hands and just tell it softly it will all be okay. I will be thinking of you and your family and your beloved dad. Sending you lots of comfort, peace and hopeful wishes.

  6. what an extraordinarily beautiful and heartbreaking post. this is a time most humans dread - to have a parent so ill, i cannot imagine. i will think of you and your family across the miles. sending love from melbourne, australia. x

  7. You're in my thoughts. Stay strong. <3

  8. thinking of you and your family, deb. comfort and well wishes to all of you.

  9. My thoughts go out to you and your family, much love.

  10. so sorry...thinking of you and saying a prayer for your dad and your family

  11. sending heaps and heaps of love to you and your dad. xo.

  12. thinking and praying for you and your family...

  13. I wish for peace for you and your family. I hope that your father moves in the direction that is necessary for him, and whatever that direction is, I hope you all can accept his decision, whatever it may be. I am envious that you have an amazing father, and you love him so dearly-- that is something I've never had. My prayers are with you.

  14. I am here for you -- joie

  15. So sorry deb... i'm thinking about you and your family. xxoo

  16. oh thoughts are with you. be strong. All my best, friend.

  17. sending you tons and tons of love & strength.

  18. your papa is in my prayers...i'm sending many healing & positive vibes your way.

  19. Big hugs from Sugar Hollow - thinking about you and your papa . . .

  20. My family has walked this walking through the eye of a needle. Everything in every moment. It is a sacred and extraordinary time. Please know that you and your family are safe. You are loved. And you are never alone.

    You are being held close. You will not fall.

  21. peace to you and yours, my friend...

  22. Oh Deb... my thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. If you need anything just let me know. xxooh


  24. I'm so sorry to hear this, and I am sending wishes for love and peace for you and your family. It is so wonderful that you can be there for him as painful as it must be.

  25. Hi,
    I am sorry to hear about your father and I hope your father will be better soon. I can totally relate to what you are going through as my mother has been diagnosed two years ago with an incurable disease which is Lou Gehrig disease. She can't talk nor eat and she is feeble. Life would be perfect if she never got this disease. I know it is life and I have to keep going but I found it really hard. I don't understand why and how she got this disease. I am sorry if I am getting very personal here but I wanted to write you this note to let you know that I can relate. Hang in there. Things will go back to normal.

  26. so sorry to hear this. hope he is doing better!
