Friday, January 29, 2010

The Year of January

Time has gone by thickly this month. It feels like almost a year has passed since the New Year came. Has it? The world is a different place here for me and all my anticipation about what it might seem like without my dad was no preparation at all for what this feels like but I am trying hard to be back, trying hard to mix the move forward with good memories and less pain. Back to home and friends and new projects, back to a new collection to be designed (very late), back to filling orders, and back starting tomorrow to the new Brooklyn Flea, my first weekend of many--I am looking forward to seeing my old friends there and hopefully some of you. I am excited for Valentine's Day, being a lover of love in all it's incarnations and am working on project for a little group show to benefit relief work in Haiti just before.
That's how my dad would want it.

Lastly today, I want to tell you how appreciative I am of all your kind and comforting words over the last month. All your love and support from near and far helped me and my family so much more than you can know. Thank you. A few people have told me that that they actually booked tickets to see their loved ones--I say yes. Do it. Be present, linger in every moment.
love, deb


  1. So glad to see you back... I was just gearing up to write you a little note when I saw your post pop up, dear.

    I'm sending you a big hug, now and any time you need one.


  2. A very sweet post. Hope you're finding some healing - maybe lose yourself in your beautiful work a little! Can't wait to see your new collection! (I've been dropping hints to my husband for a Bonbon for Valentine's Day!) Have a great flea weekend! xo

  3. What beautiful images. I know January might have seemed like it took years to pass by, but you seem to be doing so well. I am so teary and emotional just reading your words. Yes, yes, yes, I will linger in every moment. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. i was just thinking of you yesterday, and wondering how you are doing. much love darling...

  5. been thinking of you too, and wondering how you're doing.
    i did also make a trip to see my dad...

    looking forward to seeing the new collection.


  6. You can also teach some of us about the road we have not yet traveled...Wish I could give you a glass of wine under the tree in this garden.


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  8. i've thought of you often and agree that time does seem to stand still after such a loss. i'm glad you're trekking on, though.

    we went to brooklyn flea last weekend and the bank it's held in is amazing. the lighting alone is incredible. i think you will find some inspiration there.

    xo, c

    ps i love that last image. i think it must have a special story to go with it.

  9. i don't think we can ever be ready for losing a loved one, especially a parent. i wish i could hop on a plane right now. i will soon. i'm not wasting a second anymore. xxoo

  10. you've been in my thoughts dear deb...i'm so happy to see you back. i lost my dad when i was very young, before i could really grasp that kind of pain and i cannot imagine how you must feel. xoxo

  11. Ja, het doet pijn en het voelt alsof je je in een vacuum bevindt. Forceer het niet. Dit is wat het momenteel is. Je mist je vader. Veel sterkte met het verwerken van het verlies.

    Warme groeten van Geri uit Holland.

  12. Been thinking of you so much and hoping you are okay. Sending so much love your way & would love to give you a huge hug. I send you a little something, I hope it brought a little sun in. Love you and am here if you need any help at all.

  13. welcome back, Deb! I missed you AND Icky. xoh

  14. Good to see you, dear one. Have been thinking of you heaps and heaps.

  15. sweet woman, you are in my thoughts. glad to see you are back here. if it's any consolation, my grief/ healing process has been inspiring my creative work for years after. i suppose that's the space i decided to create with it, in some ways? anyway... sending you love, love. xo, k.

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  17. you're right on with everything. --molly

  18. I found your blog by accident, but I must tell you that I feel a sister hood with you, and your feelings. My mom died on January 3, and a large part of me went with her (as I knew it would). Some days are better than others and I know in time it will get better, I say that knowing that it might never get better but that's what people are telling me, for our sake I truly hope it does. I am sorry about your dad.
