Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's not you, It's me

La PĂȘche Layered necklace,
from the very difficult to photograph Spring collection.

Technical difficulties but happily inundated with shop orders and bridal consultations while all of my attempts to get some decent images of the latest work seem thwarted by evil techie forces. My camera is acting very, uhh, dark and my computer has a new thing where it quits when photoshop gets cookin'. wtf? So I've been keeping it lo-fi, barely a recorded moment to be found but these.
*Dropped my phone on the tracks of the 7 train in Woodside and had it retrieved by a nice guy in an orange flourescent vest.
*Missed my bus as I was playing "word mole" on my blackberry. No one even told me, "hey lady! the bus is here! Stop playing word mole!" Where is civic duty when you need it?
*Sunday, Jim threw me an Easter birthday celebration to beat the band in the backyard. It was like summer outside and we drank pink prosecco, my new spirit drink.
*Nights I've been reading, watching movies (ok and reality tv--I'm not that cultured) and cooking up some springtime delights eaten on the almost cleaned up patio.
*By day Bonbon's getting ready for opening day of the Brooklyn Flea at Fort Greene this Saturday.
*And presently, it's 88 degrees hot in NYC today and all the trees are aflutter with fleurs and buds.
*Oh, and my fig is figging. Now, that's some news.


  1. your figs a figgin'? that is some new indeed! i love tulips...lovely.

  2. that necklace has certainly got layers going on! happy belated birthday.

  3. oooh - figs!

    and happy belated birthday!

  4. HURRAH for spring getting going for Bonbon and the fig. Would an antique wooden dress form make photographing easier? And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Deb!

  5. an absolutely adorable blog update! sounds like spring is full of inspiration in your corner of brooklyn. and your new work is *gorgeous*.

  6. i loved this update. feeling a little absent from this blog world lately, and it's so nice to catch up with an old friend like you. hope spring is kind to you! xo.

  7. How many figs are figging? And happy BIRFDAY and spring and prink prosecco and figgy lubs.

  8. This is a great update! Love figs and those pretty tulips. 'Bon courage' with your Saturday market. I'm not in the area, but wish you much success!

  9. Your fig is FIGGING? wow! That is most excellent you darling darling! It came back, that is impressive! I hope the flea goes super well this weekend and I can't wait to come visit you there, I could be your gopher? Fetch you coffee and things...:)

  10. Good luck at the flea this weekend - I'll pass on to my one good friend in NYC. I'm glad spring is treating you kindly and happy belated birthday, dearest.

    besos y abrazos,

  11. beautiful layered necklace.
    and wow, i wish i was in ny.

  12. happy birthday and glad you're taking some time to be good to yourself even if your technology is acting up! i can not resist nyc housewives, i'm just amazed by their constant fighting and dopiness. next up, nj housewives - ma-done! enjoy your weekend!

  13. Those are beautiful tulips. They are one of my favorites. Thank you for posting.
