Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am Married to Jeremy Renner, dude from the Hurt Locker

Everyone keeps coming up to Jim saying, "Hey aren't you the dude who was in the Hurt Locker?" and Jim is starting to get mad. I think it's AWESOME.
Tonight someone at a job he was doing at the New Museum said "hey aren't you the dude who was in the Hurt Locker?" and then Chuck Close ran over his foot with his wheelchair.
Life imitates art imitates life I say.


  1. That's who he looks like! But he does:) xoxo

  2. i don't see the connection but at least it's not jeremy renner from this movie!

  3. Now post a picture of Jim - he's better looking! I mean, if he's going to be pissed off we'd better do it thoroughly :-)

  4. marie you are so right--here goes///

  5. jim should just say,
    "yes, yes i am that guy"
    just like that...verbatim and then sign autographs....and maybe score some free coffee or something ;)

  6. Jeremy WISHES he was as cool as QZR....

    - Joie

  7. joie--toooootally--but what happens now if jeremy renner sees this? we don't want him to feel bad.
    jim just needs his SAG card is all.

  8. hysterical. i have no idea what your sweetie looks like but now i'll just pretend he looks exactly like jeremy renner.

  9. I bet Jim could take Jeremy Renner blindfolded with both hands tied behind his back. You know, if he wanted to or whatever.

  10. jim should say, 'hell no! now get outta my face or i'll put some hurt on you!' maybe not cause depending on the person they might put some hurt on jim and then tmz will get the pictures because everyone has a camera and show 'jeremy renner' getting his butt kicked and then people will be coming up to jim thinking he's jeremy and mocking him about getting his butt kicked and then jim will REALLY get mad and they cycle will start again ;).

    it pretty cool to be that close to chuck close even if you are a victim of a hit and run wheelchair!

  11. Pretty awesome. That Jeremy Renner is a cutie patootie.
