Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Moneyclip News and a Giveaway

win me!

Hi pals, today's the last day for our little moneyclip special but we'll be at the Brooklyn Flea all day Saturday in Fort Greene and will be offering FREE stamping on your bonbon moneyclips. Bring your old bonbon moneyclip or purchase a new one Saturday and we'll be hammering away just for you!

And because I just adore you, leave a comment here by 9 a.m. Friday, June 18th and win this lucky rabbit money clip (and yes ,we'll stamp any initials you'd like on the back to boot). And... go.


  1. these are so GREAT! i've always wanted to be a money clip type of person.

  2. A wabbit for my Peter Wabbit! Deb, this is my absolute favorite one, and I think my darling husband (cat's outta the bag; P. stands for Peter) would go absolutely nuts over this lil treasure. Best of luck a the Flea this weekend and wish I were on the east coast to make it!


  3. Oh Deb! This is the sweetest thing:) And I have my fingers and toes crossed to win! It will make the most precious gift for someone I love:)



  4. I've always wanted to be lucky, but it is my husband who wins raffles and such. Maybe this time I'll be the lucky one.

  5. I have my fingers crossed and have had my eye on this guy for awhile! My father in law would love it - Part of his family crest includes a hare just like this one...Yay!

  6. This brings back memories. My father always used a money clip. It's lovely.

  7. So...Vincent's nickname is Bunny (smallboice), because, why, NO! not what you're thinking: yes, he runs fast.

    Don't tell him I told you.

  8. wow,
    a bunny on the balcony would be a bonus

  9. What a nice clip! I am partial to rabbits.

  10. My father-in-law would do a hop, skip and jump for this divine money clip! So clever you are Deb!

  11. I'd love to win this for my hunny bunny!

  12. The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts has his bigger brother leaping in their lobby. I'd love to give this cutie to my cutie for his birthday.

    ps: Marie sent me from 66 SF.

  13. Ack! That rabbit! Perfection! I'll have to stop by and say hi next time I'm at the Flea.

  14. This is the cuttest money clip ever! So lovely!

  15. adorable money clip. perfect for a lady.

  16. oh boy, i hope i'm lucky because scott uses a binder clip for his $$, which is very bad! thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  17. My husband keeps losing his wallet, and I'm pretty sure my dad uses a rubber band to hold his cards and money - it would be a good gift for either.

  18. oh! This is perfect! My dad just learned to drink scotch. Perhaps now he will learn to keep his money elsewhere than a ziploc. Beautiful!

  19. As usual, I'm a day late and a buck short, but this rabbit is so damn cute, I just had to chime in! Hope you're doing well, lovey! xo
